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Felicia Dorothea Hemans - Mountaineer-SongFelicia Dorothea Hemans - Mountaineer-Song
Work rating: Low

BLOW, mountain-breeze! all wild, like thee, Unfetter`d as thy wing, I rove; With airy step and spirit free, From snowy cliff, to shadowy grove! And teach lone echoes to prolong, From Caves remote, my sprightly song, Blow, mountain-breeze! No sigh for pomp or state I breathe, For me, the sun-beam smiles in gold! I envy not the victor`s wreath, For me the Alpine flow`rs unfold! Gay, simple, free, I rove along, And wood and hill resound my song, Blow, mountain-breeze! When morning wakes, with humid eye, And cheek that kindling, bright`ning, glows; When the soft blushes of the sky, With roseate lustre tinge the snows; I lead my flocks, I leave my home, And carol gaily as I roam, Blow, mountain-breeze! When fervid beams of noon invade, And bloom and verdure faint with heat; The palm, the pine, the cedar-shade, Afford me still a cool retreat! Where shelter`d from th` oppressive ray, I wake soft echoes with my lay, Blow, mountain-breeze! Deep in a glen, retir`d and green, How sweetly smiles my native cot; Where peace, and joy, and love serene, Have sanctified the tranquil spot! How blest! there ever to remain, And warble still th` untutor`d strain, Blow, mountain-breeze! In rich festoons, the mantling vine, Embow`ring, o`er its casement waves; And bloomy clusters dangling, shine, Thro` tendrils and luxuriant leaves— While, as I train each wayward spray, I carol still the artless lay, Blow, mountain-breeze! Mine is the breath of zephyr pure, The Alpine sweet that scents the gale; The slumber light, the life secure, The boundless range of hill and dale! Fearless I rove, exploring, free, Spirit of air! all wild like thee, Blow, mountain-breeze!

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