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William Schwenck Gilbert - Put a Penny in the SlotWilliam Schwenck Gilbert - Put a Penny in the Slot
Work rating: Low

If my action`s stiff and crude, Do not laugh, because it`s rude. If my gestures promise larks, Do not make unkind remarks. Clockwork figures may be found Everywhere and all around. Ten to one, if I but knew, You are clockwork figures too. And the motto of the lot, "Put a penny in the slot!" Usurer, for money lent, Making out his cent per cent - Widow plump or maiden rare, Deaf and dumb to suitor`s prayer - Tax collectors, whom in vain You implore to "call again" - Cautious voter, whom you find Slow in making up his mind - If you`d move them on the spot, Put a penny in the slot! Bland reporters in the courts, Who suppress police reports - Sheriff`s yeoman, pen in fist, Making out a jury list - Stern policemen, tall and spare, Acting all "upon the square" - (Which in words that plainer fall, Means that you can square them all) - If you want to move the lot, Put a penny in the slot!

The script ran 0.002 seconds.