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Letitia Elizabeth Landon - The Soldier`s Funeral Letitia Elizabeth Landon - The Soldier`s Funeral
Work rating: Low

The muffled drum rolled on the air, Warriors, with stately step, were there; On every arm was the black crape bound, Every carbine was turned to the ground; Solemn, the sound of their measured tread, As silent and slow, they followed the dead. The riderless horse was led in the rear; There were white plumes waving over the bier; Helmet and sword were laid on the pall, For, it was a soldier`s funeral. That soldier had stood on the battle plain, Where every step was over the slain; But the brand and the ball had passed him by, And he came to his native land, to die. `Twas hard to come to that native land, And not clasp one familiar hand; `Twas hard to be numbered amid the dead, Before he could hear his welcome said. But, `twas something to see its cliffs once more, And to lay his bones on his own loved shore; To think, that the friends of his youth might weep, O`er the green grass turf of the soldier`s sleep. The bugles ceased their wailing sound, As the coffin was lowered into the ground; A volley was fired, a blessing said, One moment`s pause, and they left the dead. I saw a poor and aged man His step was feeble, his cheek was wan; He knelt him down on the new-raised mound, His face was bowed on the cold damp ground; He raised his head, his tears were done The father had prayed o`er his only son.

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