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Wilfrid Scawen Blunt - The Love Sonnets Of Proteus. Part II: To Juliet: LIWilfrid Scawen Blunt - The Love Sonnets Of Proteus. Part II: To Juliet: LI
Work rating: Low

THE SAME CONTINUED We planted love, and lo it bred a brood Of lusts and vanities and senseless joys. We planted love, and you have gathered food Of every bitter herb which fills and cloys. Your meat is loud excitement and mad noise, Your wine the unblest ambition of command O`er hearts of men, of dotards, idiots, boys. These are the playthings fitted to your hand, These are your happiness. You weep no more, But I must weep. My Heaven has been defiled. My sin has found me out and smites me sore, And folly, justified of her own child, Rules all the empire where love reigned of yore, Folly red--cheeked but rotten to the core.

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