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Wilfrid Scawen Blunt - At A FuneralWilfrid Scawen Blunt - At A Funeral
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I loved her too, this woman who is dead. Look in my face. I have a right to go And see the place where you have made her bed Among the snow. I loved her too whom you are burying. I have a right to stand beside her bier, And to my handful of the dust I fling, That she may hear. I loved her; and it was not for the eyes Which you have shut, nor for her yellow hair, Nor for the face which in your bosom lies. Let it lie there! Nor for the wild--birds` music of her voice, Which we shall hear in dreams till we too sleep; Nor for the rest, which made the world rejoice, The angels weep. It was not for the payment of sweet love, Though love is often straitened for a kiss, Nor for the hope of other joys above, But only this, That she had laid her hand upon my heart Once in the summer time when we were young, And that her finger--tips had left a smart, And that my tongue Had spoken words which might not be unspoken Lest they should make a by--word of love`s truth, And I had sworn that love should be the token Of my youth. And so I gave her all, and long ago The treasure of my youth was put in pawn; And she was little richer that I know When that was gone. But I have lived a beggar since that day And hide my face it may be from men`s eyes; For often I have seen them shrink away, As in surprise That such a loathsome cripple should be found To walk abroad in daylight with the rest, And scarce a rag to cover up the wound Upon his breast. Yet no man stopped to ask how this might be, Or I had scared them, and let loose my tongue, How I had bought myself this misery When I was young. Yet I have loved her. This must be my pay, The pension I have earned me with these tears; The right to kneel beside her grave to--day, Despite these years, With all her kisses burning on my cheek, As when I left her and our love was dead, And our lips trembled though they did not speak, The night I fled; The right to bid you stand aside, nor be A witness of our meeting. Did you love In joy as I have loved in misery? You did not prove Your love was stronger than the strength of death, Or she had never died upon your hand. I would have fed her breathing with my breath; I would have fanned A living wind of Heaven to her lips; I would have stolen life from Paradise. And she is dead, and you have seen eclipse Within those eyes. If I could know that you had loved her well; If I could hold it for a certainty That you had sold your life as I did sell; If I could see The blackness of your soul, and with my tongue Taste the full bitterness of tears unshed; If I should find your very heart was wrung And maimed and dead; If I should feel your hand`s grasp crumble mine, And hug the pain when I should grasp in turn; If I could dip my fingers in the brine Of eyes that burn; If I could hear your voice call back the dead With such a mighty cry of agony That she should turn and listen in the bed Where she doth lie, And all the heavens should together roll, Thinking they heard the angel`s trumpet tone, I could forget it that you bought a soul Which was my own; I could forget that she forgot her vows, That aught was bartered for the wealth of love; I could untell the story of my woes, Till God above Should hold her guiltless and condone the wrong Done to His justice; I could take your hand And call you brother, as we went along To take our stand Before His judgment--seat with her again Where we are hurrying,--for we could not keep Our place unchallenged in the ranks of men Who do not weep.

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