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Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton - The Picture Of SapphoCaroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton - The Picture Of Sappho
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I. THOU! whose impassion`d face The Painter loves to trace, Theme of the Sculptor`s art and Poet`s story-- How many a wand`ring thought Thy loveliness hath brought, Warming the heart with its imagined glory! II. Yet, was it History`s truth, That tale of wasted youth, Of endless grief, and Love forsaken pining? What wert thou, thou whose woe The old traditions show With Fame`s cold light around thee vainly shining? III. Didst thou indeed sit there In languid lone despair-- Thy harp neglected by thee idly lying-- Thy soft and earnest gaze Watching the lingering rays In the far west, where summer-day was dying-- IV. While with low rustling wings, Among the quivering strings The murmuring breeze faint melody was making, As though it wooed thy hand To strike with new command, Or mourn`d with thee because thy heart was breaking? V. Didst thou, as day by day Roll`d heavily away, And left thee anxious, nerveless, and dejected, Wandering thro` bowers beloved-- Roving where he had roved-- Yearn for his presence, as for one expected? VI. Didst thou, with fond wild eyes Fix`d on the starry skies, Wait feverishly for each new day to waken-- Trusting some glorious morn Might witness his return, Unwilling to believe thyself forsaken? VII. And when conviction came, Chilling that heart of flame, Didst thou, O saddest of earth`s grieving daughters ! From the Leucadian steep Dash, with a desperate leap, And hide thyself within the whelming waters? VIII. Yea, in their hollow breast Thy heart at length found rest! The ever-moving waves above thee closing-- The winds, whose ruffling sigh Swept the blue waters by, Disturb`d thee not!--thou wert in peace reposing! IX. Such is the tale they tell! Vain was thy beauty`s spell-- Vain all the praise thy song could still inspire-- Though many a happy band Rung with less skilful hand The borrowed love-notes of thy echoing lyre. X. FAME, to thy breaking heart No comfort could impart, In vain thy brow the laurel wreath was wearing; One grief and one alone Could bow thy bright head down-- Thou wert a WOMAN, and wert left despairing!

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