Arthur Symons - Sponsa DeiArthur Symons - Sponsa Dei
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Jesus Christ, I have longed with my whole heart for Thee,
O come to me and be the bridegroom of Thy bride;
In Thy eternal presence give me to abide
Till mortal years have put on immortality.
O I have longed with an intolerable desire
For the indwelling ecstasy of the great breath,
For that immortal death which shall annihilate death
And burn up hell with Thy consuming kiss of fire.
All night because of Thee, Christ, I have lain awake,
Night after night I have lain awake in my white bed;
The pillow is as seething fire beneath my head,
The sheets as swathing fire, all night, Christ, for Thy sake,
Night after night I have waited for Thee, all night long.
Mystical bridegroom of this flesh that pants to close
The aching arms of love`s desire in love`s repose
About Thy conscious presence felt: O Lord, how long?
I have grown faint with over-much desire, and pale
With vigils over-much, my flesh forsakes my bones:
Suffering love of Christ, if that in Thee atones
For suffering sin in us, let not Thy mercies fail;
For I have suffered, Lord, upon Thy very cross,
I bear upon my brow, my hands, my feet, my side,
The burning wounds Thou didst endure when crucified,
And for this gain I do account all things but loss.
Jesus Christ, I have waited for Thy coming: come!
Possess this waiting body no man hath possessed;
Let me but feel Thy kiss of fire upon my breast
Lick up the dust of this consuming martyrdom!
The script ran 0.003 seconds.