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Anne Kingsmill Finch - Jupiter And The FarmerAnne Kingsmill Finch - Jupiter And The Farmer
Work rating: Low

When Poets gave their God in Crete a Birth, Then Jupiter held Traffick with the Earth, And had a Farm to Lett: the Fine was high, For much the Treas`ry wanted a Supply, By Danae`s wealthy Show`r exhausted quite, and dry. But Merc`ry, who as Steward kept the Court, So rack`d the Rent, that all who made Resort Unsatisfy`d return`d, nor could agree To use the Lands, or pay his secret Fee; `Till one poor Clown (thought subt`ler than the rest, Thro` various Projects rolling in his Breast) Consents to take it, if at his Desire All Weathers tow`rds his Harvest may conspire; The Frost to kill the Worm, the brooding Snow, The filling Rains may come, and Phoebus glow. The Terms accepted, sign`d and seal`d the Lease, His Neighbours Grounds afford their due Encrease The Care of Heav`n; the Owner`s Cares may cease. Whilst the new Tenant, anxious in his Mind, Now asks a Show`r, now craves a rustling Wind To Raise what That had lodg`d, that he the Sheaves may bind. The Sun, th`o`er-shadowing Clouds, the moistning Dews He with such Contrariety does chuse; So often and so oddly shifts the Scene, Whilst others Load, he scarce has what to Glean.  O Jupiter! with Famine pinch`d he cries, No more will I direct th` unerring Skies; No more my Substance on a Project lay, No more a sullen Doubt I will betray, Let me but live to Reap, do Thou appoint the way

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