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Anne Kingsmill Finch - Mussulman`s DreamAnne Kingsmill Finch - Mussulman`s Dream
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Where is that World, to which the Fancy flies, When Sleep excludes the Present from our Eyes; Whose Map no Voyager cou`d e`er design, Nor to Description its wild Parts confine? Yet such a Land of Dreams We must allow, Who nightly trace it, tho` we know not how: Unfetter`d by the Days obtruded Rules, We All enjoy that Paradise of Fools; And find a Sorrow, in resuming Sense, Which breaks some free Delight, and snatches us from thence.  Thus! in a Dream, a Musselman was shown A Vizir, whom he formerly had known, When at the Port he bore deputed Sway, And made the Nations with a Nod obey. Now all serene, and splendid was his Brow, Whilst ready Waiters to his Orders bow; His Residence, an artful Garden seem`d, Adorn`d with all, that pleasant he esteem`d; Full of Reward, his glorious Lot appear`d, As with the Sight, our Dreamer`s Mind was chear`d; But turning, next he saw a dreadful Sight, Which fill`d his Soul with Wonder and Affright, Pursu`d by Fiends, a wretched Dervis fled Through scorching Plains, which to wide Distance spread; Whilst every Torture, gloomy Poets paint, Was there prepar`d for the reputed Saint. Amaz`d at this, the sleeping Turk enquires, Why He that liv`d above, in soft Attires, Now roll`d in Bliss, while t`other roll`d in Fires? We`re taught the Suff`rings of this Future State, Th` Excess of Courts is likeliest to create; Whilst solitary Cells, o`ergrown with Shade, The readiest way to Paradise is made. True, quoth the Phantom (which he dream`d reply`d) The lonely Path is still the surest Guide, Nor is it by these Instances deny`d. For, know my Friend, whatever Fame report, The Vizier to Retirements wou`d resort, Th` ambitious Dervis wou`d frequent the Court.

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