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Anne Kingsmill Finch - The Shepherd And The CalmAnne Kingsmill Finch - The Shepherd And The Calm
Work rating: Low

Soothing his Passions with a warb`ling Sound, A Shepherd-Swain lay stretch`d upon the Ground; Whilst all were mov`d, who their Attention lent, Or with the Harmony in Chorus went, To something less than Joy, yet more than dull Content. (Between which two Extreams true Pleasure lies, O`er-run by Fools, unreach`d-at by the Wise ) But yet, a fatal Prospect to the Sea Wou`d often draw his greedy Sight away. He saw the Barques unlading on the Shore, And guess`d their Wealth, then scorn`d his little Store. Then wou`d that Little lose, or else wou`d make it more. To Merchandize converted is the Fold, The Bag, the Bottle, and the Hurdles sold; The Dog was chang`d away, the pretty Skell Whom he had fed, and taught, and lov`d so well. In vain the Phillis wept, which heretofore Receiv`d his Presents, and his Garlands wore. False and upbraided, he forsakes the Downs, Nor courts her Smiles, nor fears the Ocean`s Frowns. For smooth it lay, as if one single Wave Made all the Sea, nor Winds that Sea cou`d heave; Which blew no more than might his Sails supply: Clear was the Air below, and Phoebus laugh`d on high. With this Advent`rer ev`ry thing combines, And Gold to Gold his happy Voyage joins; But not so prosp`rous was the next Essay, For rugged Blasts encounter`d on the way, Scarce cou`d the Men escape, the Deep had all their Prey. Our broken Merchant in the Wreck was thrown Upon those Lands, which once had been his own; Where other Flocks now pastur`d on the Grass, And other Corydons had woo`d his Lass. A Servant, for small Profits, there he turns, Yet thrives again, and less and less he mourns; Re-purchases in time th`abandon`d Sheep, Which sad Experience taught him now to keep. When from that very Bank, one Halcyon Day, On which he lean`d, when tempted to the Sea, He notes a Calm; the Winds and Waves were still, And promis`d what the Winds nor Waves fulfill, A settl`d Quiet, and Conveyance sure, To him that Wealth, by Traffick, wou`d procure. But the rough part the Shepherd now performs, Reviles the Cheat, and at the Flatt`ry storms. Ev`n thus (quoth he) you seem`d all Rest and Ease, You sleeping Tempests, you untroubl`d Seas, That ne`er to be forgot, that luckless Hour, In which I put my Fortunes in your Pow`r; Quitting my slender, but secure Estate, My undisturb`d Repose, my sweet Retreat, For Treasures which you ravish`d in a Day, But swept my Folly, with my Goods, away. Then smile no more, nor these false Shews employ, Thou momentary Calm, thou fleeting Joy; No more on me shall these fair Signs prevail, Some other Novice may be won to Sail, Give me a certain Fate in the obscurest Vale.

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