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George Meredith - The Old ChartistGeorge Meredith - The Old Chartist
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I Whate`er I be, old England is my dam! So there`s my answer to the judges, clear. I`m nothing of a fox, nor of a lamb; I don`t know how to bleat nor how to leer: I`m for the nation! That`s why you see me by the wayside here, Returning home from transportation.         II It`s Summer in her bath this morn, I think. I`m fresh as dew, and chirpy as the birds: And just for joy to see old England wink Thro` leaves again, I could harangue the herds: Isn`t it something To speak out like a man when you`ve got words, And prove you`re not a stupid dumb thing?         III They shipp`d me of for it; I`m here again. Old England is my dam, whate`er I be! Says I, I`ll tramp it home, and see the grain: If you see well, you`re king of what you see: Eyesight is having, If you`re not given, I said, to gluttony. Such talk to ignorance sounds as raving.         IV You dear old brook, that from his Grace`s park Come bounding! on you run near my old town: My lord can`t lock the water; nor the lark, Unless he kills him, can my lord keep down. Up, is the song-note! I`ve tried it, too:- for comfort and renown, I rather pitch`d upon the wrong note.         V I`m not ashamed: Not beaten`s still my boast: Again I`ll rouse the people up to strike. But home`s where different politics jar most. Respectability the women like. This form, or that form, - The Government may be hungry pike, But don`t you mount a Chartist platform!         VI Well, well! Not beaten—spite of them, I shout; And my estate is suffering for the Cause. - No,—what is yon brown water-rat about, Who washes his old poll with busy paws? What does he mean by`t? It`s like defying all our natural laws, For him to hope that he`ll get clean by`t.         VII His seat is on a mud-bank, and his trade Is dirt:- he`s quite contemptible; and yet The fellow`s all as anxious as a maid To show a decent dress, and dry the wet. Now it`s his whisker, And now his nose, and ear: he seems to get Each moment at the motion brisker!         VIII To see him squat like little chaps at school, I could let fly a laugh with all my might. He peers, hangs both his fore-paws:- bless that fool, He`s bobbing at his frill now!—what a sight! Licking the dish up, As if he thought to pass from black to white, Like parson into lawny bishop.         IX The elms and yellow reed-flags in the sun, Look on quite grave:- the sunlight flecks his side; And links of bindweed-flowers round him run, And shine up doubled with him in the tide. I`M nearly splitting, But nature seems like seconding his pride, And thinks that his behaviour`s fitting.         X That isle o` mud looks baking dry with gold. His needle-muzzle still works out and in. It really is a wonder to behold, And makes me feel the bristles of my chin. Judged by appearance, I fancy of the two I`m nearer Sin, And might as well commence a clearance.         XI And that`s what my fine daughter said:- she meant: Pray, hold your tongue, and wear a Sunday face. Her husband, the young linendraper, spent Much argument thereon:- I`m their disgrace. Bother the couple! I feel superior to a chap whose place Commands him to be neat and supple.         XII But if I go and say to my old hen: I`ll mend the gentry`s boots, and keep discreet, Until they grow TOO violent,—why, then, A warmer welcome I might chance to meet: Warmer and better. And if she fancies her old cock is beat, And drops upon her knees—so let her!         XIII She suffered for me:- women, you`ll observe, Don`t suffer for a Cause, but for a man. When I was in the dock she show`d her nerve: I saw beneath her shawl my old tea-can Trembling . . . she brought it To screw me for my work: she loath`d my plan, And therefore doubly kind I thought it.         XIV I`ve never lost the taste of that same tea: That liquor on my logic floats like oil, When I state facts, and fellows disagree. For human creatures all are in a coil; All may want pardon. I see a day when every pot will boil Harmonious in one great Tea-garden!         XV We wait the setting of the Dandy`s day, Before that time!—He`s furbishing his dress, - He WILL be ready for it!—and I say, That yon old dandy rat amid the cress, - Thanks to hard labour! - If cleanliness is next to godliness, The old fat fellow`s heaven`s neighbour!         XVI You teach me a fine lesson, my old boy! I`ve looked on my superiors far too long, And small has been my profit as my joy. You`ve done the right while I`ve denounced the wrong. Prosper me later! Like you I will despise the sniggering throng, And please myself and my Creator.         XVII I`ll bring the linendraper and his wife Some day to see you; taking off my hat. Should they ask why, I`ll answer: in my life I never found so true a democrat. Base occupation Can`t rob you of your own esteem, old rat! I`ll preach you to the British nation.

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