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Henry Kendall - MooniHenry Kendall - Mooni
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AH, to be by Mooni now!   Where the great dark hills of wonder,   Scarred with storm and cleft asunder   By the strong sword of the thunder,    Make a night on morning’s brow!           Just to stand where Nature’s face is   Flushed with power in forest places—   Where of God authentic trace is—    Ah, to be by Mooni now!      Just to be by Mooni’s springs!           There to stand, the shining sharer   Of that larger life, and rarer   Beauty caught from beauty fairer    Than the human face of things!   Soul of mine from sin abhorrent           Fain would hide by flashing current   Like a sister of the torrent,    Far away by Mooni’s springs.      He that is by Mooni now,   Sees the water-sapphires gleaming           Where the River Spirit, dreaming   Sleeps by fall and fountain streaming    Under lute of leaf and bough!   Hears, where stamp of storm with stress is,   Psalms from unseen wildernesses           Deep amongst far hill-recesses—    He that is by Mooni now.      Yea, for him by Mooni’s marge   Sings the yellow-haired September   With the face the gods remember           When the ridge is burnt to ember,    And the dumb sea chains the barge!   Where the mount like molten brass is,   Down beneath fern-feathered passes,   Noonday dew in cool green grasses            Gleams on him by Mooni’s marge.      Who that dwells by Mooni yet,   Feels, in flowerful forest arches,   Smiting wings and breath that parches   Where strong Summer’s path of march is            And the suns in thunder set?   Housed beneath the gracious kirtle   Of the shadowy water myrtle,   Winds may hiss with heat, and hurtle—    He is safe by Mooni yet!              Days there were when he who sings   (Dumb so long through passion’s losses)   Stood where Mooni’s water crosses   Shining tracts of green-haired mosses,    Like a soul with radiant wings;           Then the psalm the wind rehearses—   Then the song the stream disperses   Lent a beauty to his verses—    Who to-night of Mooni sings.      Ah, the theme—the sad, grey theme!           Certain days are not above me,   Certain hearts have ceased to love me,   Certain fancies fail to move me    Like the affluent morning dream. Head whereon the white is stealing,           Heart whose hurts are past all healing,   Where is now the first pure feeling?    Ah, the theme—the sad, grey theme!      Sin and shame have left their trace!   He who mocks the mighty, gracious         Love of Christ, with eyes audacious,   Hunting after fires fallacious,    Wears the issue in his face.   Soul that flouted gift and Giver,   Like the broken Persian river,           Thou hast lost thy strength for ever!    Sin and shame have left their trace.      In the years that used to be,   When the large, supreme occasion   Brought the life of inspiration,           Like a god’s transfiguration    Was the shining change in me.   Then, where Mooni’s glory glances,   Clear diviner countenances   Beamed on me like blessed chances,            In the years that used to be.      Ah, the beauty of old ways!   Then the man who so resembled   Lords of light unstained, unhumbled,   Touched the skirts of Christ, nor trembled            At the grand benignant gaze!   Now he shrinks before the splendid   Face of Deity offended,   All the loveliness is ended!    All the beauty of old ways!              Still to be by Mooni cool—   Where the water-blossoms glister,   And, by gleaming vale and vista,   Sits the English April’s sister    Soft, and sweet, and wonderful.           Just to rest beyond the burning   Outer world—its sneers and spurning—   Ah! my heart—my heart is yearning    Still to be by Mooni cool:      Now, by Mooni’s fair hill heads,           Lo, the gold green lights are glowing,   Where, because no wind is blowing,   Fancy hears the flowers growing    In the herby watersheds!   Faint it is—the sound of thunder           From the torrents far thereunder,   Where the meeting mountains ponder—    Now, by Mooni’s fair hill heads:      Just to be where Mooni is,   Even where the fierce fall races           Down august unfathomed places,   Where of sun or moon no trace is,    And the streams of shadow hiss!   Have I not an ample reason   So to long for—sick of treason—           Something of the grand old season,    Just to be where Mooni is?

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