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Henry Kendall - The Song of Ninian MelvilleHenry Kendall - The Song of Ninian Melville
Work rating: Low

Sing the song of noisy Ninny - hang the Muses - spit it out! (Tuneful Nine ye needn`t help me - poet knows his way about!) Sling me here a penny whistle - look alive, and let me slip Into Ninny like a father - Ninny with the nimble lip. Mister Melville, straight descendant from Professor Huxley`s ape, Started life a mute for daddy - pulling face, sporting crape; But, alas, he didn`t like it - lots of work and little pay. Nature whispered, `you`re a windbag - play your cards another way.` Mister Melville picked the hint up - pitched the coffin `biz` to pot; Paid his bills, or didn`t pay them - doesn`t matter now a jot! Twigging how the bread was buttered, he commenced a `waiting game`: Pulled the strings upon the quiet - no one `tumbled` to his aim. Paine, he purchased, Strauss, he borrowed - read a page or two of each; Posed before his father`s porkers - made to them his maiden speech. Then he spluttered, `Ninny has it!  Nin will keep himself in clothes, Like the gutter Tully, Bradlaugh, leading noodles by the nose!` In the fly-blown village pothouse, where a dribbling bag of beer, Passes for a human being, Nin commenced his new career - Talked about the `Christian swindle` - cut the Bible into bits - Shook his fist at Mark and Matthew - gave the twelve Apostles fits: Slipped into the priests and parsons - hanunered at the British Court - - Boozy boobies were astonished: lubbers of the Lambton sort! Yards of ear were cocked to listen - yards of mouth began to shout `Here`s a cove as is long-headed - Ninny knows his way about.` Mister MelviRe was delighted - game in hand was paying well: Fools and coin don`t hang together - Nin became a howling swell! Took to `stumping` on the Racecourse - cut the old debating club: Wouldn`t do for mighty Ninny now to mount a local tub! Thornton`s Column was his platform: here our orator began Hitting at the yellow heathen - cracking up the `working man` - Spitting out at Immigration: roaring, like a worried bull, At the lucre made from tallow - at the profit raised on wool. Said our Ninny to our Ninny, `I have not the slightest doubt Soaping down the "`orny `anded" is the safest "bizness" out! Little work for spanking wages - this is just the thing they like, So I`ll prop the eight hour swindle - be the boss in every strike. In the end, I`ll pull a pot off ~ what I`m at is bound to take: Ninny sees a bit before him - Ninny`s eyes are wide awake! When the boobies make me member, Parkes, of course, will offer tip - I will take the first fat billet - then my frouzy friends may rip.` So it came to pass that Melville, Mister Melville, I should say - Dodged about with deputations, half a dozen times a day! Started strikes and bossed the strikers - damned employers, every one, On the Column - off the Column - in the shanty - in the sun! `Down with masters - up with wages! keep the "pigtail" out of this!` This is what our Ninny shouted - game, you see, of hit or miss! World, of course, is full of noodles - some who bray at Wallsend sent Thing we know to be a windbag bouncing into Parliament! Common story, this of Ninny! many fellows of his breed Prowl about to bone the guinea, up to dirty tricks indeed; Haven`t now the time to tan them: but, by Jove, I`d like to tan Back of that immense imposter that they call the `working man`! Drag upon our just employees - sponger on a worn-out wife Boozing in alley pothouse every evening of his life. Type he is of Nin`s supporters: tot him up and tot him down, He would back old Nick to-morrow for the sake of half a crown! House with high, august traditions - Chamber where the voice of Lowe, And the lordly words of Wentworth sounded thirty years ago - Hall familiar to our fathers, where, in days exalted, rang All the tones of all the feeling which ennobled Bland and Lang - We in ashes - we in sack cloth, sorrow for the insult cast By a crowd of bitter boobies on the grandeur of the past! Take again your penny whistle - boy, it is no good to me: Last invention is a bladder with the title of M.P.!

The script ran 0.002 seconds.