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Michael Drayton - Ode to the Cambro-BritoMichael Drayton - Ode to the Cambro-Brito
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Fair stood the wind for France,    When we our sails advance;    Nor now to prove our chance        Longer will tarry;    But putting to the main,    At Caux, the mouth of Seine,    With all his martial train        Landed King Harry.    And taking many a fort,   Furnish`d in warlike sort,   Marcheth towards Agincourt       In happy hour;   Skirmishing day by day   With those that stopp`d his way,   Where the French gen`ral lay       With all his power.   Which, in his height of pride,   King Henry to deride,   His ransom to provide       To the King sending;   Which he neglects the while,   As from a nation vile   Yet with an angry smile       Their fall portending.   And turning to his men   Quoth our brave Henry then:   "Though they to one be ten       Be not amazed.   Yet have we well begun:   Battles so bravely won   Have ever to the sun       By Fame been raised!   "And for myself," quoth he,   "This my full rest shall be:   England ne`er mourn for me,       Nor more esteem me;   Victor I will remain,   Or on this earth lie slain;   Never shall she sustain       Loss to redeem me!   "Poitiers and Cressy tell   When most their pride did swell   Under our swords they fell;       No less our skill is   Than when our grandsire great,   Claiming the regal seat,   By many a warlike feat       Lopp`d the French lilies."   The Duke of York so dread   The eager vaward led;   With the main Henry sped       Amongst his henchmen:   Excester had the rear,   A braver man not there   O Lord, how hot they were       On the false Frenchmen!   They now to fight are gone;   Armour on armour shone;   Drum now to drum did groan:        To hear, was wonder;   That, with cries they make,   The very earth did shake;   Trumpet to trumpet spake,       Thunder to thunder.   Well it thine age became,   O noble Erpingham,   Which didst the signal aim       To our hid forces;   When, from a meadow by,   Like a storm suddenly,   The English archery       Stuck the French horses   With Spanish yew so strong,   Arrows a cloth-yard long,   That like to serpents stung,       Piercing the weather.   None from his fellow starts,   But playing manly parts,   And like true English hearts       Stuck close together.   When down their bows they threw,   And forth their bilboes drew,   And on the French they flew,       Not one was tardy;   Arms were from shoulders sent,   Scalps to the teeth were rent,   Down the French peasants went:       Our men were hardy.   This while our noble King,   His broad sword brandishing,   Down the French host did ding,       As to o`erwhelm it.   And many a deep wound lent,   His arms with blood besprent,   And many a cruel dent       Bruised his helmet.   Gloster, that duke so good,   Next of the royal blood,   For famous England stood     With his brave brother.  Clarence, in steel so bright,  Though but a maiden knight,  Yet in that furious fight     Scarce such another!  Warwick in blood did wade,  Oxford the foe invade,  And cruel slaughter made,     Still as they ran up.  Suffolk his axe did ply;  Beaumont and Willoughby  Bare them right doughtily;     Ferrers and Fanhope.  Upon Saint Crispin`s Day  Fought was this noble fray,  Which fame did not delay     To England to carry.  O when shall English men  With such acts fill a pen,  Or England breed again     Such a King Harry?

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