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Alan Dugan - Drunken Memories Of Anne SextonAlan Dugan - Drunken Memories Of Anne Sexton
Work rating: Low

The first and last time I met my ex-lover Anne Sexton was at a protest poetry reading against some anti-constitutional war in Asia when some academic son of a bitch, to test her reputation as a drunk, gave her a beer glass full of wine after our reading. She drank it all down while staring me full in the face and then said "I don`t care what you think, you know," as if I was her ex-what, husband, lover, what? And just as I was just about to say I loved her, I was, what, was, interrupted by my beautiful enemy Galway Kinnell, who said to her "Just as I was told, your eyes, you have one blue, one green" and there they were, the two beautiful poets, staring at each others` beautiful eyes as I drank the lees of her wine.

The script ran 0.001 seconds.