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George MacDonald - The Waesome CarlGeorge MacDonald - The Waesome Carl
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There cam a man to oor toon-en`, And a waesome carl was he, Snipie-nebbit, and crookit-mou`d, And gleyt o` a blinterin ee. Muckle he spied, and muckle he spak, But the owercome o` his sang, Whatever it said, was aye the same:— There`s nane o` ye a` but`s wrang! Ye`re a` wrang, and a` wrang, And a`thegither a` wrang: There`s no a man aboot the toon But`s a`thegither a` wrang. That`s no the gait to fire the breid, Nor yet to brew the yill; That`s no the gait to haud the pleuch, Nor yet to ca the mill; That`s no the gait to milk the coo, Nor yet to spean the calf, Nor yet to tramp the girnel-meal— Ye kenna yer wark by half! Ye`re a` wrang, &c. The minister wasna fit to pray And lat alane to preach; He nowther had the gift o` grace Nor yet the gift o` speech! He mind`t him o` Bala䭧s ass, Wi` a differ we micht ken: The Lord he opened the ass`s mou, The minister opened`s ain! He was a` wrang, and a` wrang, And a`thegither a` wrang; There wasna a man aboot the toon But was a`thegither a` wrang! The puir precentor couldna sing, He gruntit like a swine; The verra elders couldna pass The ladles til his min`. And for the rulin` elder`s grace It wasna worth a horn; He didna half uncurse the meat, Nor pray for mair the morn! He was a` wrang, &c. And aye he gied his nose a thraw, And aye he crook`t his mou; And aye he cockit up his ee And said, Tak tent the noo! We snichert hint oor loof, my man, But never said him nay; As gien he had been a prophet, man, We loot him say his say: Ye`re a` wrang, &c. Quo oor gudeman: The crater`s daft! Heard ye ever sic a claik? Lat`s see gien he can turn a ban`, Or only luik and craik! It`s true we maunna lippin til him— He`s fairly crack wi` pride, But he maun live—we canna kill him! Gien he can work, he s` bide. He was a` wrang, and a` wrang, And a`thegither a` wrang; There, troth, the gudeman o` the toon Was a`thegither a` wrang! Quo he, It`s but a laddie`s turn, But best the first be a sma` thing: There`s a` thae weyds to gether and burn, And he`s the man for a` thing!— We yokit for the far hill-moss, There was peats to cast and ca; O` `s company we thoucht na loss, `Twas peace till gloamin-fa`! We war a` wrang, and a` wrang, And a`thegither a` wrang; There wasna man aboot the toon But was a`thegither a` wrang! For, losh, or it was denner-time The toon was in a low! The reek rase up as it had been Frae Sodom-flames, I vow. We lowst and rade like mad, for byre And ruck bleezt a` thegither, As gien the deil had broucht the fire Frae`s hell to mak anither! `Twas a` wrang, and a` wrang, And a`thegither a` wrang, Stick and strae aboot the place Was a`thegither a` wrang! And luikin on, ban`s neth his tails, The waesome carl stude; To see him wagglin at thae tails `Maist drave `s a` fairly wud. Ain wite! he cried; I tauld ye sae! Ye`re a` wrang to the last: What gart ye burn thae deevilich weyds Whan the win` blew frae the wast! Ye`re a` wrang, and a` wrang, And a`thegither a` wrang; There`s no a man i` this fule warl But`s a`thegither a` wrang!

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