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George MacDonald - O Lassie Ayont The Hill!George MacDonald - O Lassie Ayont The Hill!
Work rating: Low

O lassie ayont the hill, Come ower the tap o` the hill, Come ower the tap wi` the breeze o` the hill, Bidena ayont the hill! I`m needin ye sair the nicht, For I`m tired and sick o` mysel. A body`s sel `s the sairest weicht: O lassie, come ower the hill! Gien a body could be a thoucht o` grace, And no a sel ava! I`m sick o` my heid and my ban`s and my face, O` my thouchts and mysel and a`; I`m sick o` the warl` and a`; The win` gangs by wi` a hiss; Throu my starin een the sunbeams fa` But my weary hert they miss! O lassie ayont the hill, Come ower the tap o` the hill, Come ower the tap wi` the breeze o` the hill, Bidena ayont the hill! &c. For gien I but saw yer bonnie heid, And the sunlicht o` yer hair, The ghaist o` mysel wud fa` doun deid, I wud be mysel nae mair. I wud be mysel nae mair, Filled o` the sole remeid, Slain by the arrows o` licht frae yer hair, Killed by yer body and heid! O lassie ayont the hill, &c. My sel micht wauk up at the saft fitfa` O` my bonnie departin dame; But gien she lo`ed me ever sae sma` I micht bide it—the weary same! Noo, sick o` my body and name Whan it lifts its upsettin heid, I turn frae the cla`es that cover my frame As gien they war roun the deid. O lassie ayont the hill, &c. But gien ye lo`ed me as I lo`e you I wud ring my ain deid knell; The spectre wud melt, shot through and through Wi` the shine o` your sunny sel! By the shine o` yer sunny sel, By the licht aneth yer broo I wud dee to mysel, ring my ain deid-bell, And live again in you! O lassie ayont the hill, Come ower the tap o` the hill, Come ower the tap wi` the breeze o` the hill, For I want ye sair the nicht! I`m needin ye sair the nicht, For I`m tired and sick o` mysel. A body`s sel `s the sairest weicht: O lassie, come ower the hill!

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