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Thomas Moore - The Dream of Those DaysThomas Moore - The Dream of Those Days
Work rating: Low

The dream of those days when first I sung thee is o`er Thy triumph hath stain`d the charm thy sorrows then wore; And even the light which Hope once shed o`er thy chains, Alas, not a gleam to grace thy freedom remains. Say, is it that slavery sunk so deep in thy heart, That still the dark brand is there, though chainless thou art; And Freedom`s sweet fruit, for which thy spirit long burn`d, Now, reaching at last thy lip, to ashes hath turn`d? Up Liberty`s steep by Truth and Eloquence led, With eyes on her temple fix`d, how proud was thy tread! Ah, better thou ne`er hadst lived that summit to gain, Denied in the porch, than thus dishonour the fane.

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