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Thomas Moore - Weep On, Weep OnThomas Moore - Weep On, Weep On
Work rating: Low

Weep on, weep on, your hour is past,   Your dreams of pride are o`er; The fatal chain is round you cast,   And you are men no more. In vain the hero`s heart hath bled;   The sage`s tongue hath warn`d in vain; Oh, Freedom! once thy flame hath fled,   It never lights again! Weep on perhaps in after days,   They`ll learn to love your name, When many a deed may wake in praise   That long hath slept in blame. And when they tread the ruin`d isle,   Where rest, at length, the lord and slave, They`ll wondering ask, how hands so vile   Could conquer hearts so brave? "`Twas fate," they`ll say, "a wayward fate   Your web of discord wove; And while your tyrants join`d in hate,   You never join`d in love. But hearts fell off that ought to twine,   And man profaned what God had given; Till some were heard to curse the shrine   Where others knelt in heaven!"

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