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Thomas Moore - Eveleen`s BowerThomas Moore - Eveleen`s Bower
Work rating: Low

Oh! weep for the hour, When to Eveleen`s bower, The Lord of the Valley with false vows came; The moon hid her light, From the heavens that night, And wept behind her clouds o`er the maiden`s shame. The clouds pass`d soon From the chaste cold moon, And heaven smiled again with her vestal flame; But none will see the day, When the clouds shall pass away, Which that dark hour left upon Eveleen`s fame. The white snow lay On the narrow path-way, When the Lord of the Valley cross`d over the moor; And many a deep print On the white snow`s tint Show`d the track of his footstep to Eveleen`s door. The next sun`s ray Soon melted away Every trace on the path where the false Lord came; But there`s a light above, Which alone can remove That stain upon the snow of fair Eveleen`s fame.

The script ran 0.001 seconds.