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Thomas Moore - A Temple to FriendshipThomas Moore - A Temple to Friendship
Work rating: Low

"A temple to Friendship," said Laura, enchanted, "I`ll build in this garden,--the thought is divine!" Her temple as built, and she now only wanted An image of Friendship to place on the shrine. She flew to a sculptor, who set down before her A Friendship, the fairest that his art could invent; But so cold and so dull, that the youthful adorer Saw plainly this was not the idol she meant. "O never," she cried, "could I think of enshrining An image whose looks are so joyless and dim:-- But yon little god, upon roses reclining, We`ll make, if you please, sir, a Friendship of him." So the bargain was struck. With the little god laden She joyfully flew to her shrine in the grove: "Farewell," said the sculptor, "You`re not the first maiden Who came but for Friendship and took away Love!"

The script ran 0.002 seconds.