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Friedrich Schiller - Punch Song (To be sung in the Northern Countries)Friedrich Schiller - Punch Song (To be sung in the Northern Countries)
Work rating: Low

On the mountain`s breezy summit,  Where the southern sunbeams shine, Aided by their warming vigor,  Nature yields the golden wine. How the wondrous mother formeth,  None have ever read aright; Hid forever is her working,  And inscrutable her might. Sparkling as a son of Phoebus,  As the fiery source of light, From the vat it bubbling springeth,  Purple, and as crystal bright; And rejoiceth all the senses,  And in every sorrowing breast Poureth hope`s refreshing balsam,  And on life bestows new zest. But their slanting rays all feebly  On our zone the sunbeams shoot; They can only tinge the foliage,  But they ripen ne`er the fruit. Yet the north insists on living,  And what lives will merry be; So, although the grape is wanting,  We invent wine cleverly. Pale the drink we now are offering  On the household altar here; But what living Nature maketh,  Sparkling is and ever clear. Let us from the brimming goblet,  Drain the troubled flood with mirth; Art is but a gift of heaven,  Borrowed from the glow of earth. Even strength`s dominions boundless  `Neath her rule obedient lie; From the old the new she fashions  With creative energy. She the elements` close union  Severs with her sovereign nod; With the flame upon the altar,  Emulates the great sun-god. For the distant, happy islands  Now the vessel sallies forth, And the southern fruits, all-golden,  Pours upon the eager north. As a type, then,—as an image,  Be to us this fiery juice, Of the wonders that frail mortals  Can with steadfast will produce!

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