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W H Auden - VictorW H Auden - Victor
Work rating: Low

Victor was a little baby, Into this world he came; His father took him on his knee and said: `Don`t dishonour the family name.` Victor looked up at his father Looked up with big round eyes: His father said; `Victor, my only son, Don`t you ever ever tell lies.` Victor and his father went riding Out in a little dog-cart; His father took a Bible from his pocket and read; `Blessed are the pure in heart.` It was a frosty December Victor was only eighteen, But his figures were neat and his margins were straight And his cuffs were always clean. He took a room at the Peveril, A respectable boarding-house; And Time watched Victor day after day As a cat will watch a mouse. The clerks slapped Victor on the shoulder; `Have you ever had woman?` they said, `Come down town with us on Saturday night.` Victor smiled and shook his head. The manager sat in his office, Smoked a Corona cigar: Said; `Victor`s a decent fellow but He`s too mousy to go far.` Victor went up the his bedroom, Set the alarum bell; Climbed into bed, took his Bible and read Of what happened to Jezebel. It was the First of April, Anna to the Peveril came; Her eyes, her lips, her breasts, her hips And her smile set men aflame, She looked as pure as a schoolgirl On her First Communion day, But her kisses were like the best champagne When she gave herself away. It was the Second of April. She was wearing a coat of fur; Victor met her upon the stair And he fell in love with her. The first time he made his proposal, She laughed, said; `I`ll never wed; The second time there was a pause; Then she smiled and shook her head. Anna looked into her mirror, Pouted and gave a frown: Said `Victor`s as dull as a wet afternoon But I`ve got to settle down.` The third time he made his proposal, As they walked by the Reservoir: She gave him a kiss like a blow on the head, Said; `You are my heart`s desire.` They were married early in August, She said; `Kiss me, you funny boy`; Victor took her in his arms and said; `O my Helen of Troy.` It was the middle of September, Victor came to the office one day; He was wearing a flower in his buttonhole, He was late but he was gay. The clerks were talking of Anna, The door was just ajar: One said, `Poor old Victor, but where ignorance Is bliss, et cetera.` Victor stood still as a statue, The door was just ajar: One said, `God, what fun I had with her In that Baby Austin car.` Victor walked out into the High Street, He walked to the edge of town: He came to the allotments and the rubbish heap And his tears came tumbling down. Victor looked up at the sunset As he stood there all alone; Cried; `Are you in Heaven, Father?` But the sky said `Address not known`. Victor looked at the mountains, The mountains all covered in snow Cried; `Are you pleased with me, Father?` And the answer came back, No. Victor came to the forest, Cried: `Father, will she ever be true?` And the oaks and the beeches shook their heads And they answered: `Not to you.` Victor came to the meadow Where the wind went sweeping by: Cried; `O Father, I love her so`, But the wind said, `She must die`. Victor came to the river Running so deep and so still: Crying; `O Father, what shall I do?` And the river answered, `Kill`. Anna was sitting at table, Drawing cards from a pack; Anna was sitting at table Waiting for her husband to come back. It wasn`t the Jack of Diamonds Nor the Joker she drew first; It wasn`t the King or the Queen of Hearts But the Ace of Spades reversed. Victor stood in the doorway, He didn`t utter a word: She said; `What`s the matter, darling?` He behaved as if he hadn`t heard. There was a voice in his left ear, There was a voice in his right, There was a voice at the base of his skull Saying, `She must die tonight.` Victor picked up a carving-knife, His features were set and drawn, Said; `Anna it would have been better for you If you had not been born.` Anna jumped up from the table, Anna started to scream, But Victor came slowly after her Like a horror in a dream. She dodged behind the sofa, She tore down a curtain rod, But Victor came slowly after her: Said; `Prepare to meet thy God.` She managed to wrench the door open, She ran and she didn`t stop. But Victor followed her up the stairs And he caught her at the top. He stood there above the body, He stood there holding the knife; And the blood ran down the stairs and sang, `I`m the Resurrection and the Life`. They tapped Victor on the shoulder, They took him away in a van; He sat as quiet as a lump of moss Saying, `I am the Son of Man`. Victor sat in a corner Making a woman of clay: Saying; `I am Alpha and Omega, I shall come To judge the earth some day.`

The script ran 0.002 seconds.