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William Henry Drummond - Meb-BeWilliam Henry Drummond - Meb-Be
Work rating: Low

A quiet boy was Joe Bedotte,     An` no sign anyw`ere   Of anyt`ing at all he got     Is up to ordinaire--   An` w`en de teacher tell heem go     An` tak` a holiday,   For wake heem up, becos` he’s slow,     Poor Joe would only say,           "Wall! meb-be."   Don`t bodder no wan on de school     Unless dey bodder heem,   But all de scholar t`ink he’s fool     Or walkin` on a dream--   So w`en dey`re closin` on de spring     Of course dey`re moche surprise   Dat Joe is takin` ev`ry-t`ing     Of w`at you call de prize.   An` den de teacher say, "Jo-seph,     I know you`re workin` hard--   Becos` w`en I am pass mese`f     I see you on de yard   A-splittin` wood--no doubt you stay     An` study half de night?"   An` Joe he spik de sam` ole way     So quiet an` polite,           "Wall! meb-be."   Hees fader an` hees moder die     An` lef` heem dere alone   Wit` chil`ren small enough to cry,     An` farm all rock an` stone--   But Joe is fader, moder too,     An` work bote day an` night   An` clear de place--dat’s w`at he do,     An` bring dem up all right.   De Curé say, "Jo-seph, you know     Le bon Dieu’s very good--   He feed de small bird on de snow,     De caribou on de wood--   But you deserve some credit too--     I spik of dis before."   So Joe he dunno w`at to do     An` only say wance more,           "Wall! meb-be."   An` Joe he leev` for many year     An` helpin` ev`ry wan   Upon de parish far an` near     Till all hees money’s gone--   An` den de Curé come again     Wit` tear-drop on hees eye--   He know for sure poor Joe, hees frien`,     Is well prepare to die.   "Wall! Joe, de work you done will tell     W`en you get up above--   De good God he will treat you well     An` geev` you all hees love.   De poor an` sick down here below,     I’m sure dey’ll not forget,"   An` w`at you t`ink he say, poor Joe,     Drawin` hees only breat`?           "Wall! meb-be."

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