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William Henry Drummond - The DevilWilliam Henry Drummond - The Devil
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Along de road from Bord à Plouffe     To Kaz-a-baz-u-a   W`ere poplar trees lak sojers stan`,   An` all de lan` is pleasan` lan`,   In off de road dere leev`s a man     Call Louis Desjardins.   An` Louis, w`en he firse begin     To work hees leetle place,   He work so hard de neighbors say,   "Unless he tak`s de easy way   Dat feller’s sure to die some day,     We see it on hees face."   `T was lak a swamp, de farm he got,     De water ev`ryw`ere--   Might drain her off as tight as a drum.   An` back dat water is boun` to come   In less `n a day or two--ba Gum!     `T would mak` de angel swear.   So Louis t`ink of de bimeby,     If he leev` so long as dat,   W`en he’s ole an` blin` an` mebbe deaf,   All alone on de house hese`f,   No frien`, no money, no not`ing lef`,     An` poor--can`t kip a cat.   So wan of de night on winter tam,     W`en Louis is on hees bed,   He say out loud lak a crazy man,   "I’m sick of tryin` to clear dis lan`,   Work any harder I can`t stan`,     Or it will kill me dead.   "Now if de devil would show hese`f     An` say to me, `Tiens! Louis!   Hard tam an` work she’s at an` en`,   You’ll leev` lak a Grand Seigneur ma frien`,   If only you’ll be ready w`en     I want you to come wit` me.`   "I `d say, `Yass, yass--`maudit! w`at’s dat?`     An` he see de devil dere--   Brimstone, ev`ryt`ing bad dat smell,   You know right away he’s come from--well,   De place I never was care to tell--     An` wearin` hees long black hair,   Lak election man, de kin` I mean     You see aroun` church door,   Spreadin` hese`f on great beeg speech   `Bout poor man’s goin` some day be reech,   But dat’s w`ere it alway come de heetch,     For poor man’s alway poor.   De only diff`rence--me--I see     `Tween devil an` long-hair man   It’s hard to say, but I know it’s true,   W`en devil promise a t`ing to do   Dere’s no mistak`, he kip it too--     I hope you understan`.   So de devil spik, "You `re not content,     An` want to be reech, Louis--   All right, you’ll have plaintee, never fear,   No wan can beat you far an` near,   An` I’ll leave you alone for t`orty year,     An` den you will come wit` me.   "Be careful now--it’s beeg contrac`,     So mebbe it’s bes` go slow;   For me--de promise I mak` to you   Is good as de bank Rivière du Loup   For you--w`enever de tam is due,     Ba tonder! you got to go."   Louis try hard to tak` hees tam     But w`en he see de fall   Comin` along in a week or so,   All aroun` heem de rain an` snow   An` pork on de bar`l runnin` low,     He don`t feel good at all.   An` w`en he t`ink of de swampy farm     An` gettin` up winter night,   Watchin` de stove if de win` get higher   For fear de chimley go on fire,   It`s makin` poor Louis feel so tire     He tell de devil, "All right."   "Correct," dat feller say right away,     "I’ll only say, Au revoir,"   An` out of de winder he’s goin` pouf!   Beeg nose, long hair, short tail, an` hoof,   Off on de road to Bord à Plouffe     Crossin` de reever dere.   W`en Louis get up nex` day, ma frien`,     Dere’s lot of devil sign--   Bar`l o` pork an` keg o` rye,   Bag o` potato ten foot high,   Pile o` wood nearly touch de sky,     Was some o` de t`ing he fin`.   Suit o` clothes would have cos` a lot     An` ev`ryt`ing I dunno,   Trotter horse w`en he want to ride   Eatin` away on de barn outside,   Stan` all day if he’s never tied,     An` watch an` chain also.   An` swamp dat`s bodder heem many tam,     W`ere is dat swamp to-day?   Don`t care if you `re huntin` up an` down   You won`t fin` not`ing but medder groun`,   An` affer de summer come aroun`     W`ere can you see such hay?   Wall! de year go by, an` Louis leev`     Widout no work to do,   Rise w`en he lak on winter day,   Fin` all de snow is clear away,   No fuss, no not`ing, dere’s de sleigh     An` trotter waitin` too.   W`en t`orty year is nearly t`roo     An` devil’s not come back   `Course Louis say, `Wall! he forget   Or t`ink de tam’s not finish yet;   I’ll tak` ma chance an` never fret,"     But dat’s w`ere he mak` mistak`.   For on a dark an` stormy night     W`en Louis is sittin` dere,   After he fassen up de door   De devil come as he come before,   Lookin` de sam` only leetle more,     For takin` heem--you know w`ere.   "Asseyez vous, sit down, ma frien`,     Bad night be on de road;   You come long way an` should be tire--   Jus` wait an` mebbe I feex de fire--   Tak` off your clothes for mak` dem drier,     Dey mus` be heavy load."   Dat’s how poor Louis Desjardins     Talk to de devil, sir--   Den say, "Try leetle w`isky blanc,   Dey `re makin` it back on St. Laurent--   It’s good for night dat’s cole an` raw,"     But devil never stir,   Until he smell de smell dat come     W`en Louis mak` it hot   Wit` sugar, spice, an` ev`ryt`ing.   Enough to mak` a man`s head sing--   For winter, summer, fall an` spring--     It’s very bes` t`ing we got.   An` so de devil can`t refuse     To try de w`isky blanc,   An` say, "I’m tryin` many drink,   An` dis is de fines` I don`t t`ink,   De firse, ba tonder! mak` me wink--     Hooraw, pour Canadaw!"   "Merci--non, non--I tak` no more,"     De devil say at las`,   "For tam is up wit` you, Louis,   So come along, ma frien`, wit` me,   So many star I’m sure I see,     De storm she mus` be pas`."   "No hurry--wait a minute, please,"     Say Louis Desjardins,   "We’ll have a smoke before we’re t`roo,   `T will never hurt mese`f or you   To try a pipe, or mebbe two,     Of tabac Canayen."   "Wan pipe is all I want for me--     We’ll finish our smoke downstair,"   De devil say, an` it was enough,   For w`en he tak` de very firse puff   He holler out, "Maudit! w`at stuff!     Fresh air! fresh air!! fresh air!!!"   An` oh! he was never sick before     Till he smoke tabac Bruneau--   Can`t walk or fly, but he want fresh air,   So Louis put heem on rockin` chair   An` t`row heem off on de road out dere--     An` tole heem go below.   An` he shut de door an` fill de place     Wit` tabac Canayen,   An` never come out, an` dat’s a fac`--   But smoke away till hees face is black--   So dat’s w`y de devil don`t come back     For Louis Desjardins.   An` dere he’s yet, an` dere he’ll stay--     So weech of de two `ll win   Can`t say for dat--it’s kin` of a doubt,   For Louis, de pipe never leave hees mout`,   An` night or day can`t ketch heem out,     An` devil’s too scare go in.

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