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William Henry Drummond - The Old House And The NewWilliam Henry Drummond - The Old House And The New
Work rating: Low

Is it only twelve mont` I play de fool,   You`re sure it `s  correc` , ma dear? I `m glad for hearin` you spik dat way   For I t`ink it was twenty year, Since leffin` de leetle ole house below,   I mak` wit` ma own two han` For go on dat fine beeg place, up dere-   Mon Dieu! I`m de crazy man! You `member we `re not very riche, cherie,   Dat tam we `re beginnin` life! Mese`f  I`m twenty, an` you eighteen   W`en I `m bringin`  you home ma wife, Many de worry an` troub` we got   An` some of dem was n`t small, But not very long dey bodder us   For we work an` forget dem all. An` you was de savin` woman too,   Dere `s nobody beat you dere! An` I laugh w`en I t`ink of de tam you go   Over on Trois Rivieres For payin` de bank -you know how moche   We `re owin` for dat new place W `at was he sayin` de nice young man   Smilin` upon hees face W`en he got dat monee was all pure gole   Come down on your familee For honder year an` mebbe more?   "Ma-dame you `re excusin` me, But w`ere was you gettin` dis nice gole coin   Of Louis Quatorze, hees tam Wit` hees face on back of dem ev `ry wan?   For dey `re purty scase now, Ma-dam?" An` you say  "Dat `s not`ing at all M`sieu   Ma familee get dem t`ing, I suppose it`s very long tam ago,   W`en Louis Quatorze is King, An` I`m sorry poor feller he `s comin` dead   An` not leevin here to-day `Cos man should be good on hees frien`, M`sieu`   W`en de monee he mak` dat way." Yass, ev `ry wan know we `re workin` hard   An` savin` too all dem year, But nobody see us starve ourse`f   Dere `s plaintee to eat, don `t fear- Bimeby our chil`ren dey `re growin` up   So we`re doin` de bes` we can Settle dem off on de firse good chance   An` geevin` dem leetle lan`. An`den de troub` is begin to show   W `en our daughter poor Caroline Sha marry dat lawyer on Trois Rivieres   De beeges` fool never seen! Alway come home ev`ry summer sure   Bringin` her familee, All right for de chil`ren, I don`t  min` dem;   But de husban`!  sapree maudit! I wish I was close ma ear right off   W`en he talk of our leetle house Dough I know w`en familee`s comin` home   Dere is n`t moche room for a mouse, He say "Riche man lak youse`f  can`t leev`   On shaintee lak dis below, W`en t`ousan` dollar will buil` fin` place   Up on de hill en haut." An` he talk about gallerie all aroun`   W`ere we sit on de summer night Watchin` de star on de sky above   W`ile de moon she was shinin` bright, Could plant some apple-tree dere, also,   An` flower, an` I dunno w`at,   An` w`en de sun he `s begin to rise   Look at de view we got! Den he bring `noder feller from Trois Rivieres   An` show w`at he call de plan For makin` dem house on de w`ole contree-   Mon Dieu! how I hate dat man! `Cos he `s talkin` away nearly all de tam   Lak trotter upon de race- Wall!  affer a w`ile we mak` our min`   For havin` dat nice new place. So dey go ahead, an` we let dem go,   But stuff dey was  t`row away; I `m watchin` for dat, an` I save mese`f   Mebbe twenty-five cent a day, For you `re surely cheat if you don`t tak` care   Very offen we fin` dat `s true, An` affer de house she was finish up,   We `re geevin` it nam` Bellevue. O! yass, I know we enjoy ourse`f   W`en our frien` dey was comin` roun` An` say "Dat `s very fine place you got;   Dere`s not`ing upon de town, Or anyw`ere else for honder mile   Dis house Bellevue can touch, An` den let de horse eat de garden fence   Non! we don`t enjoy dat so moche. An` of course we can`t say not`ing at all   For it `s not correc` t`ing you know— But "Never min` dat, an` please come again,   I`m sorry you got to go." Baptême! w`en I`m seeing beeg feller bus`   Our two dollar easy chair- Can`t help it at all, I got to go   Down on de cellar an` swear! An` w`ere did we leev` on dat belle maison?   Wan room an` de kitchen, dat `s all An` plaintee too for de man an` wife!   An` you `member de tam I fall Off on de gallerie wan dark night,   I los` mese`f  tryin` fin` De winder dere on de grande parloir,   For closin` it up de blin`? An` al de tam de poor leetle house   Is down on de road below, I t`ink she was jealous dat fine new place   Up on de hill en haut, For O! she look lonesome by herse`f   De winder all broke an` gone- No smoke on de chimney comin` out   No frien` stannin` dere—not wan. You `member too, w`en de fever come   An` ketch us wan winter day? W`at he call de shaintee, our son-in-law,   Dat `s w`ere dey pass away Xavier, Zoë. an` Euchariste   Our chil`ren wan, two, t`ree- I offen t`ink of de room dey die,   An` I can`t help cryin`—me.   So we `ll go on de ole house once again,   Long enough we been fool lak dis Never min` w`at dey say bimeby, ma chere   But geeve me de leetle kiss, Let dem stay on dat fine new place up dere   Our daughter an` son-in-law For to-morrow soon as de sun will rise   We `re goin` back home-  Hooraw!

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