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William Henry Drummond - Little BateeseWilliam Henry Drummond - Little Bateese
Work rating: Medium

YOU bad leetle boy, not moche you care How busy you`re kipin` your poor gran`- pere Tryin to stop you ev`ry day Chasin` de hen aroun` de hay— W`y don`t you geev` dem a chance to lay?                                              Leetle Bateese! Off on de fiel` you foller de plough Den w`en you`re tire you scare de cow Sickin` de dog till dey jomp de wall So de milk ain`t good for not`ing at all— An` you`re only five an` a half dis fall,                                              Leetle Bateese! Too sleepy for sayin` de prayer to-night? Never min` I s`pose it`ll be all right Say dem to-morrow—ah! dere he go! Fas` asleep in a minute or so— An` he`ll stay lak dat till de rooster crow,                                              Leetle Bateese! Den wake us up right away toute suite Lookin` for somet`ing more to eat, Makin` me t`ink of dem long again, I wonder your stomach don`t get no pain,                                              Leetle Bateese! But see heem now lyin` dere in bed, Look at de arm onderneat` hees head; If he grow lak dat till he`s twenty year I bet he`ll be stronger dan Louis Cyr An` beat all de voyageurs leevin` here,                                               Leetle Bateese! Jus` feel de muscle along hees back, Won`t geev` heem moche bodder for carry pack On de long portage, any size canoe, Dere`s not many t`ing dat boy won`t do For he`s got double-joint on hees body too,                                               Leetle Bateese! But leetle Bateese! please don`t forget We rader you`re stayin` de small boy yet, So chase de chicken an` mak` dem scare An` do w`at you lak wit` your ole gran`pere For w`en you`re beeg feller he won`t be dere—                                                Leetle Bateese!

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