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John Newton - A Brand Plucked Out Of The FireJohn Newton - A Brand Plucked Out Of The Fire
Work rating: Low

With Satan, my accuser, near My spirit trembled when I saw The Lord in majesty appear, And heart the language of the law. In vain I wish`d and strove to hide The tatter`d, filthy rags I wore; While my fierce foe insulting cry`d See what you trusted in before! Struck dumb, and left without a plea, I heard my gracious Saviour say, Know Satan, I this sinner free, I died to take his sin away. This is a brand which I, in love, To save from wrath and sin design! In vain thy accusations prove; I answer all, and call him mine. At his rebuke the tempter fled; Then he remov`d my filthy dress; Poor sinner, take this robe, he said, It is thy Saviour`s rightousness. And see, a crown of life prepar`d! That I might thus my head adorn; I thought no shame or suff`ring hard, But wore for thee a crown of thorn. O how I heard these gracious words! They broke and heal`d my heart at once; Constrained me to become the Lord`s, And all my idol-gods renounce. Now, Satan, thou hast lost thy aim, Against this brand thy threats are vain; JESUS has pluck`d it from the flame, And who shall put it in again?

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