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Richard Lovelace - Sanazari HexasticonRichard Lovelace - Sanazari Hexasticon
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              SANAZARI HEXASTICON. Viderat Adriacis quondam Neptunus in undis   Stare urbem et toto ponere Jura mari: Nunc mihi Tarpeias quantumvis, Jupiter, Arces   Objice et illa mihi moenia Martis, ait, Seu pelago Tibrim praefers, urbem aspice utramque,   Illam homines dices, hanc posuisse deos.               SANAZAR`S HEXASTICK. In Adriatick waves when Neptune saw, The city stand, and give the seas a law: Now i` th` Tarpeian tow`rs Jove rival me, And Mars his walls impregnable, said he; Let seas to Tyber yield; view both their ods! You`ll grant that built by men, but this by gods.

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