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Marriott Edgar - Joe RamsbottomMarriott Edgar - Joe Ramsbottom
Work rating: Medium

Joe Ramshottom rented a bit of a farm From its owner, Squire Goslett his name; And the Gosletts came over with William the First, And found Ramsbottoms here when they came. One day Joe were ploughing his three-acre field When the front of his plough hit a rock, And on closer inspection o` t` damage he found As the coulter had snapped wi` the shock. He`d got a spare coulter at home in his shed, But that were some distance away, And he reckoned by t` time he had been there and back He`d have wasted best part of the day. The accident `appened not far from the place Where the Squire had his sumptuous abode; He thought he might borrow a coulter from him, And save going back all that road. He were going to ask… but he suddenly stopped, And he said " Nay-I`d better not call; He might think it cheek I borrowed from him, I`d best get my own after all." He were going off back when he turned to himself And said "That`s a gormless idea; The land you were ploughing belongs to the Squire, It were `is rock as caused all this `ere!" This `eartened Joe up, so he set off again, But he very soon stopped as before, And he said `Happen Squire`II have comp`ny to tea, Nay I`d, better go round to t` back. Then he answered himself in a manner quite stern And said "Here`s a nice how-de-do! You can manage without him when all`s said and done, And where would he be without you?" Joe knew this were right and he knew it were just, But he didn`t seem happy somehow, So he said "Well, there`s no harm in paying a call, And I needn`t say owt about plough." This suggestion that he were afraid of the Squire Were most deeply resented by Joe; He said "Right! I`ll show you… I`ll go up at once, At the worst he can only say `No.`` Then he said "After all as I`ve done in the past He would have a nerve to decline; He ought to be thankful to give me his plough, Seein`` damage his rock did to mine. Then he said "Who is he To be puffed up wi` pride, And behave as if he were King Dick He`s only a farmer the same as myself, As I`ll tell him an` all- Jolly quick." Then he turned round and looked himself straight in the face, And he said "What you`re scared of beats me; Ramsbottoms was landlords when Gosletts was nowt, And it`s him should be working for thee!" Then he said "I`m surprised at myself, so I am, To think I should so condescend As to come hat in hand to a feller like `im And ask if he`s owt he can lend." This argument brought him to Squire`s front door, It were open and Squire stood inside; He said "Hello, Joe… What brings thee right up here?" "You`ll know in a tick," Joe replied. He said "P`raps you think yourself better than me, Well, I`m telling you straight that you`re not And I don`t want your coulter… Your plough-or your farm, You can-do what you like with the lot."

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