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Marriott Edgar - Gunner JoeMarriott Edgar - Gunner Joe
Work rating: Medium

I`ll tell you a seafaring story, Of a lad who won honour and fame Wi` Nelson at Battle `Trafalgar, Joe Moggeridge, that were his name. He were one of the crew of the Victory, His job when a battle begun Was to take cannon balls out o` basket And shove `em down front end o` gun. One day him and Nelson were boxing, The compass, like sailor lads do. When `Ardy comes up wi` a spyglass, And pointing, says "`Ere, take a screw!" They looked to were `Ardy were pointing, And saw lots o` ships in a row. Joe says abrupt like but respectful, "`Oratio lad, yon`s the foe." `What say we attack `em?` says Nelson, Says Joe `Nay lad, not today.` And `Ardy says, `Aye, well let`s toss up.` `Oratio answers `Okay.` They tossed… it were heads for attacking, And tails for t`other way `bout. Joe lent them his two-headed penny, So the answer was never in doubt. When penny came down `ead side uppards, They was in for a do it were plain, And Joe murmered `Shiver me timbers.` And Nelson kissed `Ardy again. And then, taking flags out o` locker, `E strung out a message on high. `T were all about England and duty, Crew thought they was `ung out to dry. They got the guns ready for action, And that gave `em trouble enough. They `adn`t been fired all the summer, And touch-holes were bunged up wi` fluff. Joe`s cannon, it weren`t `alf a corker, The cannon balls went three foot round. They wasn`t no toy balloons either, They weighed close on sixty-five pound. Joe, selecting two of the largest, Was going to load double for luck. When a hot shot came in thro` the porthole, And a gunpowder barrel got struck. By gum! there weren`t `alf an explosion, The gun crew were filled with alarm. As out of the porthole went Joseph, Wi` a cannon ball under each arm. At that moment up came the `Boat-swine` He says `Where`s Joe?` Gunner replied… `E`s taken two cannon balls with `im, And gone for a breather outside.` `Do y` think he`ll be long?` said the `Boat-swine` The gunner replied, `If as `ow, `E comes back as quick as `e left us, `E should be `ere any time now. And all this time Joe, treading water, Was trying `is `ardest to float. `E shouted thro` turmoil of battle, `Tell someone to lower a boat.` `E`d come to the top for assistance, Then down to the bottom he`d go; This up and down kind of existence, Made everyone laugh… except Joe. At last `e could stand it no longer, And next time `e came to the top. `E said `If you don`t come and save me, I`ll let these `ere cannon balls drop.` `T were Nelson at finish who saved him, And `e said Joe deserved the V.C. But finding `e `adn`t one `andy, `E gave Joe an egg for `is tea. And after the battle was over, And vessel was safely in dock. The sailors all saved up their coupons, And bought Joe a nice marble clock.

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