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Sidney Lanier - In The Foam.Sidney Lanier - In The Foam.
Work rating: Low

Life swelleth in a whitening wave, And dasheth thee and me apart. I sweep out seaward: —  be thou brave.     And reach the shore, Sweetheart. Beat back the backward-thrusting sea. Thy weak white arm his blows may thwart, Christ buffet the wild surge for thee     Till thou`rt ashore, Sweetheart. Ah, now thy face grows dim apace, And seems of yon white foam a part. Canst hear me through the water-bass,     Cry:  "To the Shore, Sweetheart?" Now Christ thee soothe upon the Shore, My lissome-armed sea-Britomart. I sweep out seaward, never more     To find the Shore, Sweetheart.

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