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Philip Sidney - Astrophel And Stella-Fifth SongPhilip Sidney - Astrophel And Stella-Fifth Song
Work rating: Low

While favor fed my hope, delight with hope was brought, Thought waited on delight, and speech did follow thought; Then drew my tongue and pen records unto thy glory: I thought all words were lost, that were not spent of thee; I thought each place was dark but where thy lights would be, And all ears worse than deaf, that heard not out thy story. I said thou wert most fair, and so indeed thou art; I said thou wert most sweet, sweet poison to my heart; I said my soul was thine (oh that I then had lied!) I said thine eyes were stars, thy breasts the milk`n way; Thy fingers Cupid`s shafts, thy voice the angels` lay: And all I said so well, as no man it denied. But now that hope is lost, unkindness kills delight; Yet thought and speech do live, though metamorphos`d quite: For Rage now rules the reins, which guided were by Pleasure. I think now of thy faults, who late thought of thy praise; That speech falls now to blame, which did thy honor raise; The same key open can, which can lock up a treasure. Thou then whom partial heavens conspir`d in one to frame, The proof of Beauty`s worth, th`inheritrix of fame, The mansion seat of bliss, and just excuse of lovers; See now those feathers pluck`d, wherewith thou flewst most high: See what clouds of reproach shall dark thy honor`s sky. Whose own fault casts him down, hardly hhigh seat recovers. And oh, my Muse, though oft you lull`d her in your lap, And then a heav`nly child gave her ambrosian pap, And to that brain of hers your hidd`nest gifts infus`d, Since she, disdaining me, doth you in me disdain, Suffer not her to laugh, while both we suffer pain: Princes in subjects wrong`d, must deem themselves abus`d. Your client poor my self, shall Stella handle so? Revenge, revenge, my Muse! Defiance` trumpet blow: Threat`n what may be done, yet do more than you threat`n. An, my suit granted is; I feel my breast doth swell. Now child, a lesson new you shall begin to spell: Sweet babes must babies have, but shrewd girls must be beaten. Think now no more to hear of warm fine-odor`d snow, Nor blushing lilies, nor pearls` ruby-hidden row, Nor of that golden sea, whose waves in curls are broken: But of thy soul, so fraught with such ungratefulness, As where thou soon mightst help, most faith dost most oppress, Ungrateful who is call`d, the worst of evils is spoken. Yet worse than worst, I say thou art a thief. A thief? Now God forbid. A thief, and of worst thieves the chief: Thieves steal for need, and steal but goods, which pain recovers, But thou rich in all joys, dost rob my joys from me, Which cannot be restor`d by time nor industry: Of foes the spoil is evil, far worse of constant lovers. Yet gentle English thieves do rob, but will not slay; Thou English murd`ring thief, wilt have hearts for thy prey: The name of murd`rer now on thy fair forehead sitteth: And ev`n while I do speak, my death wounds bleeding be, Which (I protest) proceed from only cruel thee: Who may and will not save, murder in truth committeth. But murder, private fault, seems but a toy to thee. I lay then to thy charge unjustest tyranny, If rule by force without all claim a tyrant showeth; For thou dost lord my heart, who am not born thy slave, And, which is worse, makes me, most guiltless, torments have; A rightful prince by unright deeds a tyrant groweth. Lo, you grow proud with this, for tyrants make folk bow: Of foul rebellion then I do appeach thee now; Rebel by Nature`s law, rebel by law of reason, Thou, sweetest subject, wert born in the realm of Love, And yet against thy prince thy force dost daily prove: No virtue merits praise, once touch`d with blot of treason. But valiant rebels oft in fools` mouths purchase fame: I now then stain thy white with vagabonding shame, Both rebel to the son, and vagrant from the mother; For wearing Venus` badge in every part of thee, Unot Diana`s train thou runaway didst flee: Who faileth one, if false, though trusty to another. What, is not this enough? Nay, far worse cometh here; A witch I say thou art, though thou so fair appear; For I protest, my sight ne`er thy face enjoyeth, Bit I in me am chang`d, I am alive and dead: My feet are turn`d to roots; my heart becometh lead; No witchcraft is so evil, as which man`s mind destroyeth. Yet witches may repent, thou art far worse than they. Alas, that I am forc`d such evil of thee to say, I say thou art a devil, though cloth`d in angel`s shining: For thy face tempts my soul to leave the heav`n for thee, And thy words of refuse, do pour ev`n hell on me: Who tempt, and tempted plague, are devils in true defining. You then, ungrateful thief, you murd`ring tyrant you, You rebel runaway, to lord and lady untrue, You witch, you devil (alas) you still of me belov`d, You see what I can say; mend yet your froward mind, And such skill in my Muse you reconcil`d shall find, That all these cruel words your praises shall be prov`d.

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