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Richard Brautigan - Part 10 of Trout Fishing in AmericaRichard Brautigan - Part 10 of Trout Fishing in America
Work rating: Low

WITNESS FOR TROUT FISHING         IN AMERICA PEACE In San Francisco around Easter time last year, they had a trout fishing in America peace parade. They had thousands of red stickers printed and they pasted them on their small foreign cars, and on means of national communication like telephone poles.  The stickers had WITNESS FOR TROUT FISHING IN AM- ERICA PEACE printed on them.  Then this group of college- and high-school-trained Com- munists, along with some Communist clergymen and their Marxist-taught children, marched to San Francisco from Sunnyvale, a Communist nerve center about forty miles away.  It took them four days to walk to San Francisco. They stopped overnight at various towns along the way, and slept on the lawns of fellow travelers.  They carried with them Communist trout fishing in Ameri- ca peace propaganda posters: "DON`T DROP AN H-BOMB ON THE OLD FISHING HOLE I"  "ISAAC WALTON WOULD`VE HATED THE BOMB!"  "ROYAL COACHMAN, SI! ICBM, NO!"  They carried with them many other trout fishing in Amer- ica peace inducements, all following the Communist world conquest line: the Gandhian nonviolence Trojan horse.  When these young, hard-core brainwashed members of the Communist conspiracy reached the "Panhandle, " the emigre Oklahoma Communist sector of San Francisco, thou- sands of other Communists were waiting for them. These were Communists who couldn`t walk very far. They barely had enough strength to make it downtown.   Thousands of Communists, protected by the police, marched down to Union Square, located in the very heart of San Fran- cisco. The Communist City Hall riots in 1960 had presented evidence of it, the police let hundreds of Communists escape, but the trout fishing in America peace parade was the final indictment: police protection.  Thousands of Communists marched right into the heart of San Francisco, and Communist speakers incited them for hours and the young people wanted to blow up Colt Tower, but the Communist clergy told them to put away their plastic bombs.  "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them . . . There will be no need for explosives, " they said.  America needs no other proof. The Red shadow of the Gandhian nonviolence Trojan horse has fallen across Ameri- ca, and San Francisco is its stable.  Obsolete is the mad rapist`s legendary piece of candy. At this very moment, Communist agents are handing out Witness for trout fishing in America peace tracts to innocent children riding the cable cars.

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