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Samuel Johnson - Evening OdeSamuel Johnson - Evening Ode
Work rating: Medium

To Stella: Evening now from purple wings Sheds the grateful gifts she brings; Brilliant drops bedeck the mead, Cooling breezes shake the reed; Shake the reed, and curl the stream Silver`d o`er with Cynthia`s beam; Near the chequer`d, lonely grove, Hears, and keeps thy secrets, love! Stella, thither let us stray, Lightly o`er the dewy way. Phoebus drives his burning car, Hence, my lovely Stella, far; In his stead, the queen of night Round us pours a lambent light: Light that seems but just to show Breasts that beat, and cheeks that glow; Let us now, in whisper`d joy, Evening`s silent hours employ, Silent best, and conscious shades, Please the hearts that love invades, Other pleasures give them pain, Lovers all but love disdain.

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