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James Henry Leigh Hunt - The Olive Of PeaceJames Henry Leigh Hunt - The Olive Of Peace
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Now sheath`d is the Sword that was wild as the blast: The Tempest of Slaughter and Terror is past; Old ALBION her Neighbour all smilingly hails— For the OLIVE of PEACE blooms again in our Vales!                           Beam on the day,                           Thou Olive gay:                           "Matchless is he                           Who planted thee;     And mayst thou like him immortal be!" Divinest of Olives, O, never was seen A bloom so enchanting, a verdure so green! Sweet, sweet do thy Beauties entwiningly smile In the Vine-tree of France and the Oak of our Isle!                           Beam on the day,                           Thou Olive gay, &c. Long, long did thy envied Exotic delay, `Till the voice of HUMANITY charm`d thee away; And here, ever here mayst thou bloom in repose, As firm as our Oak-tree, and gay as the Rose!                           Bloom on the day,                           Thou Olive gay, &c. Let ALCIDES his Poplar of Majesty prize, And VENUS her Myrtle exalt to the skies: FRANCE and ALBION excell all the Gods of old Greece— For they crown their wise heads with the OLIVE of PEACE!                           Bloom on the day,                           Thou Olive gay, &c. The delicate Lily may gracefully mount, And the Pink all her charms with the Rainbow recount; Green, green is the Olive on ALBION`S brow, And the Lily and Pink to the Olive must bow!                           Bloom on the day,                           Thou Olive gay, &c. Thou Olive divine, may Eternity`s Sun Beam warm where thy roots thro` the ages shall run; The Dew of Affection `light soft where they twine, And the Love of an Universe stamp thee divine!                           Bloom on the day,                           Thou Olive gay:                           "Matchless was he                           Who planted thee;     And mayst thou like him immortal be!"

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