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William Cowper - Watching Unto God In The Night Season (3)William Cowper - Watching Unto God In The Night Season (3)
Work rating: Low

Night! how I love thy silent shades, My spirits they compose; The bliss of heaven my soul pervades, In spite of all my woes. While sleep instils her poppy dews In every slumbering eye, I watch to meditate and muse, In blest tranquillity. And when I feel a God immense Familiarly impart, With every proof he can dispense, His favour to my heart; My native meanness I lament, Though most divinely filled With all the ineffable content That Deity can yield. His purpose and his course he keeps; Treads all my reasonings down; Commands me out of nature`s deeps, And hides me in his own. When in the dust, its proper place, Our pride of heart we lay; `Tis then a deluge of his grace Bears all our sins away. Thou whom I serve, and whose I am, Whose influence from on high Refines, and still refines my flame, And makes my fetters fly; How wretched is the creature`s state Who thwarts thy gracious power; Crushed under sin`s enormous weight, Increasing every hour! The night, when passed entire with thee, How luminous and clear! Then sleep has no delights for me, Lest thou should`st disappear. My Saviour! occupy me still In this secure recess; Let reason slumber if she will, My joy shall not be less. Let reason slumber out the night; But if thou deign to make My soul the abode of truth and light, Ah, keep my heart awake!

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