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William Cowper - Elegy III. Anno Aet. 17. On The Death Of The Bishop Of Winchester (Translated From Milton)William Cowper - Elegy III. Anno Aet. 17. On The Death Of The Bishop Of Winchester (Translated From Milton)
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Silent I sat, dejected, and alone, Making in thought the public woes my own, When, first, arose the image in my breast Of England`s sufferings by that scourge, the pest. How death, his fun`ral torch and scythe in hand, Ent`ring the lordliest mansions of the land, Has laid the gem-illumin`d palace low, And level`d tribes of Nobles at a blow. I, next, deplor`d the famed fraternal pair Too soon to ashes turn`d and empty air, The Heroes next, whom snatch`d into the skies All Belgia saw, and follow`d with her sighs; But Thee far most I mourn`d, regretted most, Winton`s chief shepherd and her worthiest boast; Pour`d out in tears I thus complaining said-- Death, next in pow`r to Him who rules the Dead! Is`t not enough that all the woodlands yield To thy fell force, and ev`ry verdant field, That lilies, at one noisome blast of thine, And ev`n the Cyprian Queen`s own roses, pine, That oaks themselves, although the running rill Suckle their roots, must wither at thy will, That all the winged nations, even those Whose heav`n-directed flight the Future shows, And all the beasts that in dark forests stray, And all the herds of Proteus are thy prey? Ah envious! arm`d with pow`rs so unconfined Why stain thy hands with blood of Human kind? Why take delight, with darts that never roam, To chase a heav`n-born spirit from her home?   While thus I mourn`d, the star of evening stood, Now newly ris`n, above the western flood, And Phoebus from his morning-goal again Had reach`d the gulphs of the Iberian main. I wish`d repose, and, on my couch reclined Took early rest, to night and sleep resign`d, When--Oh for words to paint what I beheld! I seem`d to wander in a spacious field, Where all the champain glow`d with purple light Like that of sun-rise on the mountain height; Flow`rs over all the field, of ev`ry hue That ever Iris wore, luxuriant grew, Nor Chloris, with whom amtrous Zephyrs play, E`er dress`d Alcinous` gardens half so gay. A silver current, like the Tagus, roll`d O`er golden sands, but sands of purer gold, With dewy airs Favonius fann`d the flow`rs, With airs awaken`d under rosy bow`rs. Such poets feign, irradiated all o`er The sun`s abode on India`s utmost shore.   While I, that splendour and the mingled shade Of fruitful vines, with wonder fixt survey`d, At once, with looks that beam`d celestial grace, The Seer of Winton stood before my face. His snowy vesture`s hem descending low His golden sandals swept, and pure as snow New-fallen shone the mitre on his brow. Where`er he trod, a tremulous sweet sound Of gladness shook the flow`ry scene around: Attendant angels clap their starry wings, The trumpet shakes the sky, all aether rings, Each chaunts his welcome, folds him to his breast, And thus a sweeter voice than all the rest. "Ascend, my son! thy Father`s kingdom share, My son! henceforth be free`d from ev`ry care."   So spake the voice, and at its tender close With psaltry`s sound th`Angelic band arose. Then night retired, and chased by dawning day The visionary bliss pass`d all away. I mourn`d my banish`d sleep with fond concern, Frequent, to me may dreams like this return.

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