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C J Dennis - Fitzmickle UnbendsC J Dennis - Fitzmickle Unbends
Work rating: Low

Mr Fitzmickle, the martinet,   Still with an iron hand Rules house and home.  Like a peevish gnome   He barks each curt command. And he packs the family off to bed --   Since a wireless "fan" he`s grown -- And each obeys, while Papa stays   And harks to the Test alone. Mr Fitzmickle, the martinet,   Sat, last Saturday night, Glowing with pride as Australia`s side   Rose to the loftiest height. Then, just as the fun grew furious   And the batsmen forged ahead, Came a horrible shriek, a click and a squeak;   And the speaker went stone dead! Mr Fitzmickle, the martinet,   Fiddled, with urgent thumb, At many a screw, in a terrible stew;   But ever the set stayed dumb. So up the stairs in his stocking feet,   He stole to his small son there, Whose expert hand now took command;   And the Test was again on the air. Mr Fitzmickle, the martinet,   Frowned at his small, meek heir. "You`ll wait," said he, "lest the thing won`t gee.   Quiet, sir!  Sit over there!" And his small son; hugging himself in glee   As the game went merrily on Sat listening in with a rapturous grin   To the triumphs of "Billy" and "Don." Mr Fitzmickle, the martinet,   Seized with a strange wild joy, As the centuries came, with his eye aflame,   Clutched at the startled boy . . . . And Mrs Fitzmickle, roused from sleep,   Saw a sight to wonder at; Fitzmickle and son, at half-past one,   Dancing a jig on the mat. Mr Fitzmickle, the martinet,   Said with a sheepish grin, "Why, Mother`s here!  Sit down, my dear,   Sit down and listen in!" . . . And the small son whispered -- when all was o`er,   And the winter dawn began -- In his mother`s ear: "Ma, ain`t it queer.   Pappas`s just like a man!"

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