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C J Dennis - The InvalidC J Dennis - The Invalid
Work rating: Low

The pale young man he comes to me,   An` chats me good an` fair; "The langwidge that you use," ses he,   "Pollutes the good, clean air. Why don`t yeh chuck sich silly rot, An` line-up with the Clean Lip lot?" But, square `n` all, I got no use   For them poor, shrinkin` guys, Who, at the sound of coves` abuse,   Turn pale, an` rolls their eyes. To use the fancy swears I hear Comes natural as sinking beer. Beef an` blood-gravy`s fightin` food,   Not milk; but, all the same, I come to see there ain`t no good   In this crook-landwidge game. An` so a little vow I made, An` joined their swell Clean Lip Brigade. `Twas `ard!  But sternly I pursoo`d   Me course; an` wore a frown Thro` swallerin` me speech unchewed,   An` chokin` curse-words down. Oh, dear!  It was a dreadful stunt! Then, gracious me, I hit the Front! A feller in the firin` line,   Tied up with sich a gag, Who has to curse by look an` sign,   He fair gets out the rag. An` so, I ses, each time I shoots, "I`ll teach you, you - you - you - you broots!" I don`t care wot the goodies say,   It`s cruel fightin` dumb! To curse a bit, once in a way,   Relieves yer feelin`s some. I kills four men in fair, clean fight, An` seven extra out er spite. An` then there come the bay`nit charge.   The blokes to left an` right They all was cursin` fine and large,   But I keep mum, an` fight. I plunks a square-`ead in the wind - "Annoying fellow; there!" I grinned. With that a great, big `ulking chap,   Comes at me with a sword (The thing I need in that scrap   Was just one little word). "Haw!  You - you person," I begun; But while I talks, he gets in one. Far in the chest I gets that swipe,   An` crumbles in a heap. An` starts to think the time is ripe   To `ave a long, deep sleep. "You are intensely rude," I said - An` so they leaves there for dead. They invaleeds me `ome, although   The wound gives me no cares. The cause of my complaint,  know,   Was bottlin` up me swears - Congestion of me "Damn" denied: It made me feel all swelled inside. The pale young man he comes to me.   "Ah, friend," he says, "how now? Your lips are clean, I`m pleased to see,   An` you `ave kep` your vow!" "Me lips is bonzer," I replied. "But, `struth, me throat is scarified!"

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