C J Dennis - The Heart of the DoveC J Dennis - The Heart of the Dove
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Say, Bo, this little Yewropean war
It grieves our gloryus nation to the core -
The vurry core of its great, strang, red heart,
We`re tur-ble sore:
That`s what.
We got
A reel sawft heart.
Naw, son! we air not takin` any part.
We figgered that ahl out, right from the start.
The great american nation stan`s aside:
She keeps apart -
An` jaws,
We gat our pride.
But don`t yew figger ahn no fancy paly
With Uncle Sam; he`s ready for th efray.
An` wance that `Murkan eagle`s screech is heard
Watch out! An`, say,
He is
Some bird!
He is some eagle, yew kin take my word.
If wance that great, fierce heart of his was sturred -
Aw, shucks! that little Yewropean stunt
Would look ab-surd!
If he
Cast free
You`d see some hunt!
When wance that Bird o` Freedom hit the front
Why, Gee! them dinky ings would have to shunt!
Old Yewrope would be right clean off the map!
I put it blunt:
That lot
Would not
Put up a scrap.
Wance we cut loose - Aw, Hully Gee! the gap
In Yewrope`s rank `ud make tyhem howl for pap.
We`d wipe the airth out of the Kasmic Plan
An` on the map
This ball
They`d call
The true Amur`kan, sir, he is a man
Who`d lick this un-i-verse, wance he began;
Say, it`s a cinch; becaws we hold the dough
If we should plan
To crunch
The bunch,
None could say so.
Them Kings and Kaisers all would have to go.
He`d do `em up right praper! Get me, Bo?
He`d eat hull crate-loads of their wan-harse ships!
He`d smash the show,
He`d swat
The lot
Wance come to grips!
Aw, shucks! This great, strang nation, sir, it whips
Creation! Wance the word has pas`d our lips
We`d just reach out, an` take the hull darn world!
We`d get the ships
An` men:
An` then
Things would get whirled!
Yep! Wance that starry banner was unfurled
We`d roast the Kaiser till his whiskers curled!
Say, do you get me? Wance we j`ined the fray
The hull darn world
Would scoot,
Per boot,
Out of our way.
Wance we were roused - what matter, anyway?
We air nat takin` war in ours to-day
Naw, Bo; we got no quar`l, we play the part
Of pained dismay,
To show,
You know,
Our great, sawft, strang, red heart.
The script ran 0.002 seconds.