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C J Dennis - The Mountain LabouredC J Dennis - The Mountain Laboured
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A patriot spake thus to an eager throng: "Give me the power and I shall right each wrong. And Fortune, smiling, on our land shall look" -         His name was COOK. Lo, I beheld, throughout a continent,   A nation wrestle with affairs of State, And patriotic cries, wher`er I went,   Poured forth alike from groundlings and the great. I heard man reason with his fellow man;   From shore to shore rang out one mighty screech, As, daily, from a thousand platforms ran   Rivers of speech. Consul and Senator keen combat waged.   Doctor and Saint joined hotly in the fray; North, South and West and East the battle raged;   And ev`ry citizen had much to say; Bland politicians talked incessantly -   It seemed a very battle of the gods; Though much they said appeared to me to be   Over the odds. Then lo, upon the great Election Day,   The day appointed for the mighty test, Cab, jinker, motor-car and humble dray   Hither and thither sped at the behest Of rival statesmen whose bold streamers flared   On wall and hoarding....You can guess the rest -   `Twere easy spared. My wife remained at home to mend my socks;   But forth went I to claim my sovereign right, To win my freedom at the ballot-box....   I got back home at twelve o`clock that night. Or was it two next morning?  I forget.   But I had done my duty like a man: Helped in the noblest scheme man`s fashioned yet -   The Party Plan. And then a solemn hush fell on the land   (I was content, considering my head, Next Morning).  And behold, on ev`ry hand,   Expectancy and hope one plainly read, Till through the land rang out the herald`s voice   Telling the upshot of that mighty fray: "Joseph is consul!  Citizens, rejoice!   `Ip, `ip, `ooray!" Rejoice I did; and my prophetic soul   Saw for my country happiness and peace. For he had reached at last the longed-for goal.   Now would our corn and oil and beer increase! What would it profit else, this strike, this pain -   A mighty Nation shaken to its soul? Sans good result, all hope (`twas very plain)   Was up the pole. Into the Hall of State I blithely went,   Eager to hear the dignified debate - Grave, reverend seigneurs in grave argument   Engaged, discussing great affairs of State, Wise counsellors....But stay!  What`s here amiss?   Are these the honoured makers of the Law? Now Heav`n defend our Party Plan! for this   Is what I saw: A yelping, clamorous, unruly clan; A small bald, agitated, snapping man; And, as they raved, his fist he fiercely shook - His name was COOK.

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