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C J Dennis - The Hoary Precedent C J Dennis - The Hoary Precedent
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  Mr. Pericles, M.P.,   In four-sixty-nine B.C., Outed Cimon at a general election;   Premier Cimon, thuswise ex-ed,   Was quite naturally vexed, And he made an angry speech in this connection; He remarked, in peroration, as he grabbed his coat and hat, "You`re a Socialist, you rotter!  You`d no precedent for that!"   Mr. Pericles is dead -   Thoroughly, I`ve heard it said - And his words and acts may now be safely quoted   By our statesmen eminent,   Who on mouldy precedent (If it`s old enough and dead enough) have doted. For precedent, I`d have you note, is most peculiar stuff; It`s absolutely useless if it isn`t dead enough.   In my youth I ever held   Grave respect for all the eld, And I found in history a strong attraction.   So, whene`er a scheme I planned,   Eagerly the tomes I scanned That I might find precedent for ev`ry action. Yet, despite my zealous labour, and the piles of books I read, In the things that truly mattered I seemed not to forge ahead.   As I nursed my bulging brow,   Said I, "This is wrong somehow. Precedent, as we all know, is something holy -   Something we should not neglect   To regard with great respect, And I feel I`m safe in following it solely. But had we done it from the start - I grasp, at least, this much - We would still be munching apples that we didn`t oughter touch.   "Well, this problem is immense!"   In my experience I reflected.  "How have we progressed, I wonder?"   Then the obvious reply   Hit me squarely in the eye: It is by ignoring precedent, by thunder! `Tis men who fix the precedents that lead the nations on And not the folk who pin their faith to leaders dead and gone.   Mr. Pericles, M.P.,   You`re the sort of man for me (Though I understand you are a Dago alien);   `Spite your moral character,   O`er the Styx I greet you, sir, You`re the sort we need to-day in things Australian. For we`re moved to ask the question of our statesmen now and then: "Does this job of fixing precedents belong to ancient men?"   Mr. Pericles, deceased,   `Spite his deadness, has increased My respect for all the world`s originators.   If we must have precedents,   My ideal he represents, For I`m done with copyists and imitators. And, after this, my reference is Pericles, M.P., He acted without precedent; that`s precedent for me.

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