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C J Dennis - The Faithless FantodsC J Dennis - The Faithless Fantods
Work rating: Low

Bill Barcoo was a station `and - `e was a station `and,   And grafted all the year like Pharaoh`s Jews. But all `is pay, I grieve ter say, `e blewed - you understand -               This station `and   Was drinky in his views;   An` `e was wont ter lash it up on booze. Fer Bill `e wandered once a year - exactly once a year -   Ter bust his cheque at Casey`s Bush `Otel; An` drank the stuff - more than enough - that Casey sed wus beer.               An` it wus queer:   When `e wus on a spell   `E used to `old `is sides an` larf like `ell. No doubt yer`ve `eard of Casey`s beer - of Casey`s fightin` beer,   An` Casey`s Three Star Blue Gum Brandy too, The stuff that makes the crimson snakes when you get on yer ear.               Such visions queer   Were known ter quite a few;   That`s why they called the shanty "Casey`s Zoo." Large purple frogs that sat an` croaked - jes` looked at yer an` croaked,   Goanners, snakes and spiders without end, An` sich weird sights distrurbed the nights of such poor bushman bloke               As `as a soak   In Casey`s famous blend -   In Casey`s fierce an` famous Bushman`s Friend. But, once a year, Bill struck the spot - `e blithely struck the spot,   An` slung across the bar `is `ard-earned cheque; Then started in to bust `is tin an` make things fairly `ot               Until `e got   Fair loaded to the neck;   An` then Bill looked a proper sort er wreck. Then `e begun to see the Zoo - ter gaze at Casey`s Zoo.   But with the jims and fantods that `e seen `E made quite free.  "Fer,why," sez `e, "I never see but two,               An` one is blue,   An` t`other`s sort er green.   They`re jes` the same `ere ev`ry time I`ve been." They wus jes` like ole pals to `im - like lifelong fren`s to `im.   `E looked to meet `em ev`ry time `e came Ses `e, "The blue un`s christened Sue; she`s uppish-like an` prim;             But t`other, Jim,   `E`ll answer to `is name,   An` feed out of yer `and, `e is that tame." One time when Bill was on the spree - a real ole rorty spree -   `E larfed the `ole blame time till `e wus thro`. We wonders wot noo sort `e`d got, `e wus so full er glee.               "You oughter see!"   Ses `e, when `e come to.   "Why, blowed if my ole Jim ain`t courtin` Sue!" Bill `ad but one spree after that - just one more after that.   An` sich another sight I`d grieve ter see, `E cursed, an` swore, an` raved, an` tore `is `air an` foamed, an` spat.               It knocked us flat,   Fer generally `e,   When on a jag, was merry as could be. An` after that Bill guv up drink - yes, fairly chucked the drink.   But why, ther` wasn`t one among us knoo. "O, struth!" ses Bill, "I`ve `ad me fill, and so `ud you, I think -               O, strike me pink!   They once wus green an` blue;   But now ther`s yaller, red an` purple too!" But one day Bill `e chats ter me - in conferdence ter me.   "Yer know," ses `e, "that Jim was courtin` Sue. `Twas quite a joke ter see that bloke; but, spare me days! - if she               Did not agree!   An` they got married too!   Got hitched up quiet, an` I never knoo! "I never knoo till my next spree - till my next yearly spree,   An` then, fust thing - the flamin` quadrupids! - I learned them two - my Jim and Sue - was spliced, with twenty-three               In familee!   An`, spare me days! SUCH KIDS!   I wouldn`t `ave another drink fer quids!

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