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C J Dennis - An Error in CreationC J Dennis - An Error in Creation
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There was once a man who made a weird machine, Employing dynamite and kerosene.       His subsequent destruction       Was a matter of deduction, And a circumstance that might have been foreseen. This gloomy incident I merely state In case you have a yearning to create.       In which event, be wary,       Else, mayhap, a sad quan-dary Will arise and face you when it`s far too late. Now, take the case of Toryphat, M.P., Created by the voters - you and me.       Then in matters legislative       He becomes, in turn, creative. And creates a Deakook Fusion Ministree. You will notice that this question, as a whole, Is a matter over which we`ve some control;       For, it we`d contemplated       Ere the members we created, We would not have landed things in such a hole. And, in regard to this strange Ministree, We are the folk responsible, you see.       For it couldn`t have existed       Had not some of us assisted In creating its supporters - Q.E.D. Then, when a weird political machine Of Tory flare and Fusion kerosene       Blows our policies to blazes,         All our most embittered phrases Won`t recover e`en the smallest smithereen.

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