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C J Dennis - The LingothatweuzeC J Dennis - The Lingothatweuze
Work rating: Low

I metabloke in Collun-street -   A cove I yustano When I wus workin Southoss,   A yeerertwo ago. Sezzi, "Well, owye kumminup?   I spose yehnomee still?" `E grabsme betha `andansiz,     "W`y owsheegoinbil?" "Well, wotchadoinow?" sizzi,   Alludin` to `is work. "I aven gotakop," sezee,   "At presen`.  Wot`s your lurk?" "I`m upagenit pritty bad,   An` lookin` furra job," I answers.  Then I bytsiz lug:   "Say, kinyeh lensa bob?" `E anzitover.  Then Isiz,   "Well, wotsbekumaflo?" Referrin` to a tartuviz -   But eesiz, "Idunno. "She yusta gimmelip," eesiz,   "Anso we ata paht. Ixceptin fere mag," eesiz,   "Shewuza boshtataht." "Shewuz orright piece," sizzi,   "Althoer tongue wus free." An then I springsa traponim:   "I seener yestadee." "Gostrooth!" sizee.  "I didunno   Thet shewuz ovareer! I `ope she izen chasinmee;   Buttit looks bloominqueer." "Orright," sizzi, "don`t loosyerblock,   You`ll meeter byunbye. But she won`trubble you bekos   I`ve marrider," sizzi. "Well, sparemedays, it beatstha band   `Ow these things workeround! But after wotcha say," sizzee,   "I`ll standja ina pound." "A quid`s orright," sizzi, "but still   I dunnowota think." "Don`t chewitover now," sizzee,   "But cumanavadrink.` We adabeer an` didagit;   An` I`ve dunnin the Quid. Ewuza tofter giime it.   I wunnerwye edid?

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