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C J Dennis - Out WestC J Dennis - Out West
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"I`ve seen so much uv dirt an` grime   I`m mad to `ave things clean. I`ve seen so much uv death," `e said- "So many cobbers lyin` dead -   You won`t know wot I mean; But, lad, I`ve `ad so much uv strife I want things straightened in my life. "I`ve seen so much uv `ate," `e said-   "Mad `ate an` silly rage - I`m yearnin` for clear thoughts," said `e. "Kindness an` love seem good to me.   I want a new, white page To start all over, clean an` good, An` live me life as reel men should." We`re sittin` talkin` by the fence,   The sun`s jist going` down, Paintin` the sky all gold an` pink. Said `e, "When it`s like that, I think -"   An` then `e stops to frown. Said `e, "I think, when it`s jist so, Uv… God or somethin`: I dunno. "I ain`t seen much uv God," said `e;   "Not here nor Over There; But, partly wot I`ve seen an` read, An` partly wot the padre said,   It gits me when I stare Out West when it`s like that is now. There must be somethin` else - some`ow. "I`ve thought a lot," said Digger Smith -   "Out There I thought a lot. I thought uv death, an` all the rest, An` uv me mates, good mates gone West;   An` it ain`t much I`ve got; But things get movin` in me `ead When I look over there," `e said. `E`s got me beat, `as little Smith.   I knoo `im years ago: I knoo `im as a reel tough boy `Oo roughed it up with `oly joy;   But now, well, I dunno. An` when I ask Mar Flood she sighs - An` sez `e`s got the Anzac eyes. She sez `e`s got them soldier`s eyes,   That makes `er own eyes wet. An` we must give `im wholesome food An` lead `is thoughts to somethin` good   An` never let `im fret. But `e ain`t frettin`, seems to me; More - puzzled, fur as I can see. The clouds above the hills was tore   Apart, until some`ow, It seemed like some big shinin` gate. Said `e, "Why, lad, I tell yeh straight,   I feel like startin` now, An` walking on, an` on, an` thro`, Dead game an` - ain`t it so to you? "I`ve seen enough uv pain," `e said,   "An` cursin`, killin` `ordes. I ain`t the man to smooge with God To get to `Eaven on the nod,   Or `owl `ymns for rewards. But this believin`? Why - Oh, `Struth! This never `it me in me youth. "They talk uv love `twixt men," said `e.   "That sounds dead crook to you. But lately I `ave come to see."… "`Old on," I said; "it seems to me   There`s love uv women too. An` you?" `E turns away `is `ead. "I`m only `alf a man," `e said. "I`ve seen so much uv death," said `e,   "Me mind is in a whirl. I`ve `ad so many thoughts uv late."… Said I, "Now tell me, tell me straight,   Own up; ain`t there a girl?" Said `e, "I`ve done the best I can. Wot does she want with `arf a man?" It weren`t no use. `E wouldn`t talk   Uv nothin` but that sky. Said `e, "Now, dinkum, talking square, When you git gazin` over there   Don`t you `arf want to cry? I wouldn`t be surprised to see An angel comin` out," said `e. "Gone West!" said Digger Smith. "Ah, lad,   I`ve seen them goin` West, An` often wonder, when I look, If they `ave `ad it dealt `em crook,   Or if they`ve got the rest They earned twice over by the spell They spent down in that dinkum `Ell." The gold was creepin` up, the sun   Was `arf be`ind the range. It don`t seem strange a man should cry To see that glory in the sky -   To me it don`t seem strange. "Digger!" said `e. "Look at it now! There must be somethin` else - some `ow."

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