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C J Dennis - The Battle Of The WazzirC J Dennis - The Battle Of The Wazzir
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If ole Pharaoh, King of Egyp`, `ad been gazin` on the scene   `E`d` ave give the A.I.F. a narsty name When they done their little best to scrub `is dirty Kingdom clean,   An` to shift `is ancient `eap uv sin an` shame. An` I`m tippin` they`d `ave phenyled `im, an` rubbed it in `is `ead. But old Pharaoh, King uv Egyp`, `e is dead. So yeh don`t `ear much about it; an` it isn`t meant yeh should,   Since `is Kingship wasn`t there to go orf pop; An` this mishunery effort fer to make the `eathen good   Wus a contract that the fellers `ad to drop. There wus other pressin` matters, so they `ad to chuck the fun, But the Battle uv the Wazzir took the bun. Now, Ginger Mick `e writes to me a long, ixcited note,   An` `e writes it in a whisper, so to speak; Fer I guess the Censor`s shadder wus across `im as `e wrote,   An` `e `ad to bottle things that musn`t leak. So I ain`t got orl the strength uv it; but sich as Ginger sends I rejooce to decent English fer me friends. It wus part their native carelessness, an` part their native skite;   Fer they kids themselves they know the Devil well, `Avin` met `im, kind uv casu`l, on some wild Australian night-   Wine an` women at a secon`-rate `otel. But the Devil uv Australia `e`s a little woolly sheep To the devils wot the desert children keep. So they mooches round the drink-shop`s, an` the Wazzir took their eye,   An` they found old Pharoah`s daughters pleasin` Janes; An` they wouldn`t be Australian `less they give the game a fly . . .   An` Egyp` smiled an` totted up `is gains. `E doped their drinks, an` breathed on them `is aged evil breath . . . An` more than one woke up to long fer death. When they wandered frum the newest an` the cleanest land on earth,   An` the filth uv ages met `em, it wus `ard. Fer there may be sin an` sorrer in the country uv their birth;   But the dirt uv cenchuries ain`t in the yard. They wus children, playin` wiv an asp, an` never fearin` it, An` they took it very sore when they wus bit. First, they took the tales fer furphies.. when they got around the camp,   Uv a cove done in fer life wiv one night`s jag, But when the yarns grew `ot an` strong an` bore the `all-mark stamp   Uv dinkum oil, they waved the danger flag. An` the shudder that a clean man feels when `e`s su`prized wiv dirt Gripped orl the camp reel solid; an` it `urt. There wus Bill from up the Billabong, `oo`s dearest love wus cow,   An` `oo lived an` thought an` fought an` acted clean. `E wus lately frum `is mother wiv `er kiss wet on `is brow;   But they snared `im in, an` did `im up reel mean. Fer young Bill, wus gone a million, an` `e never guessed the game. . . For `e`s down in livin` `ell, an` marked fer sbame. An` Bill wus only one uv `em to fall to Eastern sin   Ev`ry comp`ny `ad a rotten tale to tell, An` there must be somethin` doin` when the strength uv it sunk in   To a crowd that ain`t afraid to clean up `ell. They wus game to take a gamble; but this dirt dealt to a mate- Well, it riled `em; an` they didn`t `esitate. `Ave `yeh seen a crowd uv fellers takin` chances `on a game,   Crackin` `ard while they thought it on the square? `Ave yeh `eard their owl uv anguish when they tumbled to the same,   `Avin` found they wus the victums uv a snare? It wus jist that sort uv anger when they fell to Egyp`s stunt; An`, remember, they wus trainin` fer the front. I `ave notions uv the Wazzir.  It`s as old as Pharaoh`s tomb;   It`s as cunnin` as the oldest imp in `ell; An` the game it plays uv lurin` blokes, wiv love-songs, to their doom   Wus begun when first a tart `ad smiles to sell. An` it stood there thro` the ages; an` it might be standin` still If it `adn`t bumped a clean cove, name o` Bill. An` they done it like they done it when a word went to the push   That a nark `oo`d crooled a pal wus run to ground. They done it like they done it when the blokes out in the bush   Passed a telegraft that cops wus nosin` round. There wus no one rung a fire-bell, but the tip wus passed about; An` they fixed a night to clean the Wazzir out. Yes, I`ve notions uv the Wazzir.  It`s been pilin` up its dirt   Since it mated wiv the Devil in year One, An` spawned a brood uv evil things to do a man a `urt   Since the lurk uv snarin` innercents begun. But it`s sweeter an` it`s cleaner since one wild an` woolly night When the little A.I.F. put up a fight. Now, it started wiv some `orseplay.  If the `eads `ad seen the look,   Dead in earnest, that wus underneath the fun, They`d `ave tumbled there wus somethin` that wus more than commin crook,   An` `ave stopped the game before it `arf begun. But the fellers larfed like school-boys, tbo` they orl wus more than narked, An` they `ad the `ouses well an` truly marked. Frum a little crazy balkiney that clawed agin a wall   A chair come crasbin` down into the street; Then a woman`s frightened screamin` give the sign to bounce the ball,   An` there came a sudden rush uv soljers` feet. There`s a glimpse uv frightened faces as a door caved in an` fell; An` the Wazzir wus a `owlin` screamin` `ell. Frum a winder `igh above `em there`s a bloke near seven feet,   Waves a bit uv naked Egyp` in the air. An` there`s squealin` an` there`s shriekin` as they chased `em down the street,   When they dug `em out like rabbits frum their lair. Then down into the roadway gaudy `ouse`old gods comes fast, An` the Wazzir`s Great Spring Cleanin` starts at last. Frum the winders came pianners an` some giddy duchess pairs;   An` they piled `em on the roadway in the mire, An` `eaped `em `igh wiv fal-de-rals an` pretty parlor chairs,   Which they started in to purify wiv fire. Then the Redcaps come to argue, but they jist amused the mob; Fer tbe scavengers wus warmin` to their job. When the fire-reels come to quell `em-`struth! they `ad no bloomin` `ope;   Fer they cut the `ose to ribbons in a jiff; An` they called u`pon tbe drink-shops an` poured out their rotten dope,   While the nigs `oo didn`t run wus frightened stiff. An` when orb wus done an` over, an` they wearied uv the strife, That old Wazzir`d `ad the scourin` uv its life. Now, old Gin er ain`t quite candid; `e don`t say where `e came in;   But `e mentions that`e don`t get no C.B., An` `e`s `ad some pretty practice dodgin` punishment fer sin   Down in Spadger`s since `is early infancy. So I guess, if they went after `im, they found `im snug in bed. Fer old Ginger `as a reel tactician`s `ead. An` `e sez that when `e wandered down the Wazzir later on   It wus like a `ome where `oliness reposed; Fer its sinfulness wus `idden, an` its brazenness wus gone,   An` its doors, wiv proper modesty, wus closed. If a `ead looked out a winder, as they passed, it quick drew in; Fer the Wazzir wus a wowser, scared from sin. If old Pharaoh, King uv Egyp`, `e `ad lived to see the day   When they tidied up `is `eap uv shame an` sin, Well, `e mighter took it narsty, fer our fellers `ave a way   Uv completin` any job that they begin. An` they might `ave left `is Kingship nursin` gravel-rash in bed. . . But old Pharaoh, King uv Egyp`, `e is dead.

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