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C J Dennis - WearyC J Dennis - Weary
Work rating: Low

Aw, I`m sick o` the whole darn human race,   An` I`m sick o` this mundane ball; I`m sick o` the sight o` me brother`s face,   An` his works an` talk an` all; I`m sick o` the silly sounds I hear,   I`m sick o` the sights I see; Ole Omar K. he knew good cheer,   An` it`s much the same with me. Gimme a bit o` a bough to sit   Beneath, an` a book of rhyme, An` a cuddlemsome girl that sings a bit,   But don`t sing all the time: That`s all I ask, an` it`s only just;   For it`s all that I hold dear -- A bough an` a book an` a girl an` a crust;   That, an` a jug o` beer. Then I`ll cuddle me girl an` I`ll quaff me ale   As we sit on the leafy floor; An` when the book an` the beer jug fail,   I`ll cuddle me girl some more. For jugs give out an` books get slow.   But you can take my tip for square Tho` the bough an` the book an` the beer jug go,   The girl, she`s always there. For I`m sick o` the sight o` me brother`s face,   An` the world`s a sight too slow; An` I`m sick o` tryin` to go the pace,   When there ain`t no pace to go; I`m sick o` the "gilded halls of vice,"   An` I`m sick o` the "sainted shrine," I`m sick o` me own an` me friends` advice,   An` the gold that won`t be mine. I`m sick o` the sound o` me fellow`s voice,   I`m sick o` his schemes an` shams; O` trying to choose when there ain`t no choice,   An` of damin` several dams; So, gimme a girl that ain`t too slow,   You can keep your book of rhyme, An` you bough an` bread an` your beer.  Wot O!   An` I`ll cuddle her all the time.

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