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C J Dennis - A Square DealC J Dennis - A Square Deal
Work rating: Low

"Dreamin`?" I sez to Digger Smith.   "Buck up, ole sport, an` smile. Ain`t there enough uv joy to-day To drive the bogey man away   An` make reel things worth while? A bloke would think, to see you stare, There`s visions on the `ill-tops there." "Dreamin`," sez Digger Smith. "Why not?   An` there is visions too. An` when I get `em sorted out, An` strafe that little bogey, Doubt,   I`ll start me life all new. Oh, I ain`t crook; but packed in `ere Is thoughts enough to last a year. "I`m thinkin` things," sez Digger Smith.   "I`m thinkin` big an` fine Uv Life an` Love an` all the rest, An` wot is right an` wot is best,   An` `ow much will be mine. Not that I`m wantin` overmuch: Some work, some play, an` food an` such." "See `ere," I sez. "You `ark to me.   I`ve done some thinkin` too. An` this `ere land, for wot yeh did, Owes some few million solid quid   To fightin` blokes like you. So don`t be too damn modest or Yeh`ll get less than yeh`re lookin` for." "Money?" sez Digger. "Loot?" sez `e.   "Aw, give that talk a rest! I`m sick uv it. I didn`t say That I was thinkin` all uv pay   But wot was right an` best. An` that ain`t in the crazy game Uv grabbin` wealth an` chasin` fame. "Do you think us blokes Over There,   When things was goin` strong, Was keepin` ledgers day be day An` reck`nin` wot the crowd would pay?   Pull off! Yeh got it wrong. Do you think all the boys gone West Wants great swank `eadstones on their chest? "You coots at `ome `as small ideer   Uv wot we think an` feel. We done our bit an` seen it thro`, An` all that we are askin` you   Is jist a fair, square deal. We want this land we battled for To settle up -- an` somethin` more. "We want the land we battled for   To be a land worth while. We`re sick uv greed, an` `ate, an` strife, An` all the mess that`s made uv life."...   `E stopped a bit to smile. "I got these thoughts Out There becos We learned wot mateship reely was."   . The `ills be`ind the orchard trees   Was showin` misty blue. The ev`nin` light was growin` dim; An` down I sat `longside uv `im,   An` done some dreamin` too. I dreams uv war; an` wot is paid By blokes that went an` blokes that stayed. I dreams uv honour an` reward,   An` `ow to pay a debt. For partin` cash, an` buyin` farms, An` fitting chaps with legs an` arms   Ain`t all -- there`s somethin` yet. There`s still a solid balance due; An` now it`s up to me an` you. There`s men I know ain`t yet woke up,   Or reckernized that debt -- Proud men `oo wouldn`t take yeh down Or owe their grocer `arf-a-crown-   They ain`t considered, yet, There`s somethin` owin` -- to the dead, An` Diggers live for more than bread. The `ills be`ind the orchard trees   Jist caught the settin` sun. A bloke might easy think that there, `Way back be`ind the range somewhere,   Where streaks uv sunlight run, There was a land, swep` clear uv doubt, Where men finds wot they dreams about. "Beauty," sez Digger, sudden-like,   "An` love, an` kindliness; The chance to live a clean, straight life, A dinkum deal for kids an` wife:   A man needs nothin` less... Maybe they`ll get it when I go To push up daisies. I dunno." "Dreamin`," sez Digger Smith. "Why not?   There`s visions on the hill."... Then I gets up an` steals away, An` leaves `im with the dyin` day,   Dreamin` an` doubtin` still... Cobber, it`s up to me an` you To see that `arf `is dream comes true.

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